The Calm Before...

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"I love all of the oppas

each and every one.

But with which oppa, 

do I want to make a son?"

Min Seo drunkenly sang out loud. Jackson had paid the taxi to stop nearby his dorm, but far enough that the taxi driver wouldn't know where he lived and leak the location to the press. It took some wrestling with her limbs, but Jackson eventually convinced Min Seo to let him carry her.

Now Jackson was drudging along, carrying Min Seo bridal style to his dorm, her purse resting on the middle of her stomach. Jackson didn't think it would be good to bring Min Seo back to her dorm in her current condition, as it would cause too much noise and commotion. At the Got7 dorm, the boys could sleep through anything. In the morning, he could bring Min Seo home early and make up that she was at the XO BEAT dorm the entire time, she just went out for a jog in the early morning. 

They were rounding the corner to the Got7 dorm, and Min Seo was still shout-singing irrelevant words. Before they entered the complex, Jackson shook Min Seo slightly.

"You have to be quiet when we go inside; we don't want to wake the others."

Min Seo pulled her head up from hanging over Jackson's bicep. She squished his cheeks together and made kissy noises. He rolled his eyes jokingly but Min Seo's expression was as serious as she could be when drunk.

"Jackson oppa, wanna make a son?"

Jackson almost dropped Min Seo out of shock. But he brushed Min Seo's statement off as drunk nothingness and continued into the building.

It took some fumbling for keys and almost dropping Min Seo twice, but Jackson was able to get into the silent Got7 dorm. Tiptoeing in the darkness, Jackson stepped quietly in the direction of the couch. 

He gently threw Min Seo on the couch, but she took hold of his hanging hand and began to whine and squirm. 

"I don't wanna sleep here! It's cramped and not soft and I wanna sleep in a bed!" Min Seo's voice rose the more she complained. 

Jackson groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "Fine, I'll take you upstairs." Min Seo immediately silence and raised her arms as if waiting to be picked up like a child.

Jackson scooped Min Seo back up bridal style and trudged towards the stairs. He looked at what seemed to be never-ending stairs and looked down at Min Seo. She had half-open eyes and her arms were dangling, and she was still mumbling about which 'oppa' she wants to have a son with. With a quick heave, Jackson made his extremely slow journey up the stairs.

Luckily, Jackson's room was the closest in proximity and the door was still open. Jackson pushed the door open with his back and dropped Min Seo onto the bed.

Min Seo rolled around for a few seconds and smiled. She started to pull the sheets over herself, but Jackson tore them off. Min Seo curled into a fetal position and rocked back and forth.

"Don't complain! You can't just sleep in someone's bed without taking off your shoes and makeup! And you should be happy that I'm letting you sleep in my bed with such a glittery dress!" But Min Seo continued to rock back and forth.

Jackson forced out a silent scream and went to the bathroom. He came back with a warm, damp washcloth. He propped up the almost unconscious Min Seo and started wiping her face. He started with the general area of her face, then slowly and carefully wiped off her eye makeup and lipstick, leaving Min Seo completely barefaced.

When he had finished, Min Seo felt her clean face and grinned. She flopped back onto the bed and breathed in slow, drowsy breaths as Jackson took off her heels and placed them neatly next to the bed. He pulled the bed sheets out from under her and pulled them up under her chin.

Jackson stood up, prepared to finally lay down and get some rest. But a soft hand grazed his wrist in protest.

"Please stay."

Jackson stood still and waited for Min Seo's fatigue to take over so that she would release him. But the longer he waited, the more Min Seo reached and felt for him and began to grip his wrist. 

"Don't leave me. I'm not going to sleep if you leave." Min Seo scooted over under the covers to leave enough room for Jackson. Her eyes were still shut, but she never loosened her grip on Jackson.

Defeated, Jackson slid into bed next to Min Seo. He tried to stay as far to the side as possible so that he wouldn't have to touch her, but Min Seo inched closer and slid an arm over his stomach. He accepted this risky touch and moved his arm so that he could lay next to her more comfortably.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry," Min Seo murmured as she cuddled Jackson and burrowed deeper. 

Jackson looked Min Seo over, she finally having calmed down and falling asleep. His heart was pounding and so many things were running through his head at once. He wanted to hug her and kiss her and hold her and just stay as they were in the bed, but he also valued the security of Min Seo's position in XO BEAT.

"If you keep this up, I really won't have much else to do but painfully love you."


Y'all this is more of a filler chapter, because I have a feeling that the next chapter will be LONG. So enjoy this fluffy mini chapter my loves~

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