Negotiations and Dragon Fruit

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"This is ridiculous! Why is there a girl, a GIRL of all types of people, living in our dorm? Does that make any sense?" BamBam ranted on and on, finally covered in proper clothing. All of the boys were pacing back and forth in the hallway outside of the room where Youngjae and Min Seo were still talking.

"It's already been 30 minutes since Youngjae went in there. What did that girl do to our Youngjae, eat him???" Yugyeom let out a sigh of desperation, sliding down the wall he was leaning on, sitting next to Junior, Mark and JB who were all losing their minds along with Yugyeom.

"I won't stand for this." JB quickly pushed himself off of the ground. "We need to talk to J.Y. Park PD-nim about this. Maybe we can at least talk him into giving her a temporary stay with Miss A or Twice in their dorms. Jackson, stay here and wait for them in case they decide to come out. Everyone, let's try and negotiate with PD-nim.

Everyone but Jackson stood up and followed JB out of the dorm to J.Y. Park's office. It took everything within JB not to hastily storm into PD-nim's office. After taking several deep breaths, JB knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The five boys practically threw themselves into the wide office. With a quick bow, Junior walked over to PD's desk, both of them locking eyes in a battle of confidence and intimidation.
"J.Y. Park hyung- no, PD-nim. Did you assign a black girl to live in our dorm?"

"No." PD-nim responded coolly.

"Yugyeom's eyes widened. "Then...then a foreign sasaeng broke into our dorm??? Mark hyung! Youngjae is probably being tortured right now what are we going to do???" Yugyeom was about to run out the door when PD-nim silently put his hand up.

"You asked if I allowed a black girl into the dorm; I didn't allow a black girl to live in your dorm. I allowed a biracial Korean and black girl to live within your dorm. Her name is Oh Min Seo and she arrived almost right after you left for your tour. I was anticipating a free dorm other than yours, but your dorm was the only one vacant at the time. She will be staying with you all until new living arrangements are made. In the mean time I trust that you will treat her kindly, and even teach her well. She also needs improvement in her Korean, so I hope that you may assist her." PD-nim spoke assuringly while keeping an authoritative air.

The boys looked among one another anxiously, turning their attention to JB, but even he wasn't sure to respond. PD-nim looked at BamBam, who was looking around the room waiting for guidance.

"BamBam-ah, if it will make you feel more comfortable with Min Seo, she's told me that she has some conversational skills in Thai." BamBam smiled slightly.

Mark turned to JB who had said nothing the entire conversation. "JB, shouldn't we ask him about moving her to Miss A or Twi-"

"Those were my original plans. But Miss A's dorm is already full with Miss A and other trainees; Twice's dorm can barely handle 9 members as it is. Oh Min Seo will stay with you all. Let's return to the dorm together, I have things to say to everyone, and I've brought snacks." Everyone knew this was the end to the conversation, so the boys waited for PD-nim to lead them and left quietly.

Back at the Dorm During the Negotiation

Jackson's eyes had been fluttering opened and closed for the past hour waiting for Youngjae to leave the room. None of the boys had slept since they came back; they were beat. Despite his personality, Jackson could only be playful and patient for so long; and not having slept shortens all of that.
Forget this. Jackson sneakily turned the unlocked doorknob, and in one swift motion threw the door open. He wanted to scold them for taking so long, but he caught his breath when he saw Min Seo and Youngjae sleeping on the floor, Youngjae's arm wrapped protectively around Min Seo. Looking more closely at Min Seo than when he first saw her on the couch, Jackson actually enjoyed her face. Her skin was darker, she had freckles and thick curls; physical characteristics that Jackson didn't see often. And he was mesmerized by the contrast.

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