Let's Break Some Bones

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OMGGG i just finished reading paper princess and shit this book is awesome. It completely engulfs you into the book and now that i finished I'm suffering from withdraws of the Royals universe. DEF recommend it.

COMMENT YOUR FAV BOOK ( completely for selfish reasons cuz im now looking for something great to read) AND THANKS FOR READING MINE!

Guys i uploaded a wrong chapter by mistake.

Song of the Chapter: Plat Hard by David Guetta

 Emma's POV

As soon as I set foot into the club, the smell of blood and sweat engulfs me.
It's in some sort of abandoned house and under it, is an undercover world. As large as a football field is the basement. It's covered in cold cement of course, and a big ass fighting ring in the middle. The crowd usually surround the ring but there's a room turned bar on the side. The stage on the right of the ring is huge and only the presenter, the Boss, and the winner of the annual competition get to stand on it.

The atmosphere is really quiet 3 miles outside the club with only the occasional grasshopper sound. Not suprising since we're on the borders of Roanoke town, the infamous town where an enitre village disssapeared and the theme of America Horror Story season 7.Shit load of tourists started to appear after that.

Once you get closer however, the blaring sound of old rock music and shouts of angry men immediately shatter your ear.

I quickly put on my mask of Black Bird, covering only my eyes. It's plain black with only a gold streak of a feather on the side.

The Boss,however, knows me as Sarah Salvatore.
I guess I really should start writing a list of all my fake names.

The club is as full as ever, and excitement is in the air. The crowd around the ring all shouting and roaring my name.

I feel the adrenaline already moving through my veins, and this rush, this feeling, is a huge part of why I'm doing this.

Its that feeling when your excited and scared and this close to freaking out but somehow your still so happy for what's to come.

I enter the ring and the guy already looks scared of me.

In a matter of minutes, we don't need another round because the idiot is already bruised up and probably has a broken rib so he quit.

"WELL THAT WAS FAST!" A guy screams in the microphone next to me.

"Since that happened, The Boss would like to announce a surprise! A once in a lifetime opportunity! If someone has the guts to go against our lovely Black Bird, they now have a chance. Of course it would be costly,folks. If you would like to try and possibly fail, give your name and a deposit to Scarlett"

What the hell

We didn't agree on this.

I grab the dude by his stupid collar out of the ring and into a corner in the club


I'm this close to punching him in his smug face. He's a new guy so he obviously doesn't know how deadly i can be. I have a reputation in the club I need to keep up after all.

" You work for me! You c-can't do that"

Literally the worst reply he could've given me. Guess he sealed his fate.

My fingers curl into a fist and I punch him so hard twice one in the eye, and the other in his nose ultimately breaking it.

My phone rings, saving him from having a second black eye. Blood is already spilling from his nose. But hey, he deserved it. I'd feel more guilty throwing garbage in my neighbor's yard than for punching him.

And I hated my last neighbors.

I said aggravated.

" Please leave my presenter alone Ms.Salvatore."

"Well, your presenter should know not to mess with me"

"Of course, but he was only following my orders."
He says, his voice calm as a cupcake.

"You're really going to put your best fighter against a stupid lowlife thinking he could take me?"

"We need to show people your power and that you can take on anyone not just the fighters we put up against you. Plus, you'll be more approachable."

He does kind of make sense at least then idiots, like this grown ass man crying in front of me, would know their position.

"Fine, but I'm getting 50% of the profit because this was sudden."

" Wouldn't expect you to get anything less. Good luck Miss Salvatore."

The Boss hangs up, and this guy is about to give me his left kidney if I left him alone so I let him go.

I would not pick a fight with some innocent people, but this club?

All filled with arrogant assholes who think they own the place, it might be kinda fun to beat one of them up.

Just kidding, this is my Netflix and chill.

" Get the name from Scarlett and meet me up on the ring."
He basically cries again from relief and stumbles toward Scarlett.

Scarlett is this 5'8 blonde who runs almost everything in this club. She's the Boss's 3rd right hand.

Yes, he has that many men that he needs 3 people directly under him to control them and his business.

Of course, wearing her usual red stilettos, she's the Eifel Tower to my minion.

If that even makes sense.

In a couple of minutes, the presenter is on stage and already calling out the name of the lucky guy.


That's probably my que.
As I head to the ring, everyone cheers not sure if they weren't drunk if they would still be glad to see me.

He draws a card from the envelope.

" Harry! Wait Harry what?"

"Yup that's me." A bunch of brown curls appear in front of me.

No fuckin way.

Steal Me ( A Harry Styles Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora