You're Just Everywhere Like A Freakin Ninja

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Continuation of the previous chapter.

Harry's POV

Huh, who would've thought that Crazyass would miss me?

or that I would miss her?

I didn't want to admit it because I don't miss girls.

I miss their bodies, and I know this makes me a complete asshole. But I've never gotten close with a girl.

I wouldn't technically call me and CrazyAss close. It's more of a Tom and Jerry relationship since that girl is completely nuts. However, I miss her beautiful green eyes which reveal an odd mix of mystery, wickedness, and compassion.

She can literally make my blood boil and can get under my skin like no one ever has.

I'm the one who drives people crazy but somehow Crazyass seems to be the only one who has that effect on me.

She challenges me.

Anyways, enough distractions, I have to be completely focused for tonight. Ugh, who would've thought the Harry Styles would ever think of this lovey dovey stuff.

Scooter would probably have a field day with this if he ever heard me.

I met up with Liam outside the college, and we rode in his  2 million dollar Range Rover. Gotta love this fancy life. You get to have whatever you want, whenever you want.

After almost an hour car ride, he stops outside an abandoned 3 story house. The windows are broken, the wood looks so rusty and weak that if someone blows its way it would all fall apart.

Roanoke Town.

Shit. As if this place wasn't scary enough, it just had to be the place where ,god know how many, people disappeared.

Which reminds me, I really should start binge watching season 1 of American Horror Story again. Love that series.

"Damn, this place is creepy"
Liam says what I'm thinking, and everyone with half a mind would think so too.

"Which is completely not surprising, since you know we're looking for a wanted criminal and all"

Liam chuckles, and I swear due to the quietness surrounding us, I'm sure people in the next town can hear him.

Perfect place to hide a dead body, if you ask me. The sound of grasshopers is probably the only sign that there's life here.

" Dude, you sure that's the location?"
I ask.

"Um, I think so"
He takes out his phone to check again on Google Maps, and it seems like we're here.

We head towards the  abandoned house which is surrounded by a bunch of trees, we would never be able to find it in this maze if we did not have the exact location.

"Honestly, I'm more worried about leaving my car out here than us going in there."

We step inside the house and the floors are so old I'm afraid they'll break as soon as I step on them.

" Hello, anyone here?"

Said by every character in a horror movie right before they get murdered.

" Liam, check the invite if there's a way to know where the hell is the club."

He takes out his invite from his back pocket and examines it.

" Shadows are here, Shadows are there, Shadows are everywhere. Pfft,yea cause thats helpful."

We try to look around for anything, but honestly this place gives me the chills so if I don't find anything in the next 3 minutes, I'm bailing the hell out.

" HARRY! Look what I found."
A tall mirror is standing in a creepy children bedroom. This house is such a cliche.

" Congratulations! You discovered a treasure."

" No, check it out everything in here has a reflection, except this jukebox on the shelf, it's reflection is on the floor."

" like a shadow"

" Yea"

" Well, pull it open."

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