Truce Schmoose

59 5 3

Song of the Chapter: Too Good by Drake

 This chapter is dedicated to @BakaYui to her amazing support to me. READ HER STORY!

Emma's POV

A truce?

Bitch please.

What kind of idiot does he think I am?

There's a higher probability of Trump negotiating with Mexicans and Muslims a peace treaty than me and him agreeing.

" Is there a sign on my forehead that has "" I'm Stupid"" written on it? I'd rather have a truce with apes"

I yawn again. Today was super exhausting. God, I really should stop hanging out with Cassie. The lovely Mr. Yang practically killed me with his cardio and body combat exercises. He thinks I need to " step up my game".

I'm already the best. Why do I have to do more work than everybody?
Guess what they say is really true, it's harder to remain the best than actually being the best.

I had no classes today, so thankfully I didn't interact with people, and the day would've been just dandy if that asshole didn't show up to my dorm room.

"Apes? Why apes? No wonder everyone hates you, you're weird."
He said and scratched the back of his head.

Yea, scratch some more buddy, I'm sure there are extinct insects living in your curly hair.

Ugh, who am I kidding he has annoyingly perfect super hero hair.
Too bad, I like villains more.

"PFFT! Everyone loves me especially since I kick your ass"
He gives me a fake hurt look and places his hand on his heart.


" And in case you were wondering, yes someday the apes are going to take over the world and I'd be laughing while they're going to be making you their lunch"

Now, it was my time to give him a fake smile and closed the door on his face.

Well, not literally but you get my point.
Time to get back to peaceful sleep.


"Through the wild, through the wild, through the wild, I'm watching her dance"

My peaceful and calming sleepy was interrupted by my phone ringing. I love this song, though, so I may keep it ringing so that I can hear the rest of it.
I checked the caller ID and unfortunately, it was the person I was trying to forget about the most.  

" Hey dad, so lovely of you to call"
I sad with fake enthusiasm.

My dad and I actually have a good relationship. He's as hard as they come, and we definitely share different views on life, which is the reason we usually fight, but at the end of the day he's always there for me. We both look completely different on the outside. He has black hair, which makes him look like he just got out of a 90s movie.
Yes, my Dad loves being in the past. He's fit, of course, and even with his love for chocolate, he's able to maintain a healthy body.

We're really the same on the inside. You'd notice it with the little things like how we both love reading or how we both get easily aggravated. Or even though we don't show it, we care deeply about the people we love and would do anything to protect them.

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