Enough is Enough

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Song of the Chapter: Alphabet Boy by Melanie Martinez


PS: did anyone read It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover? God it's such a great book, honestly she's one of my favourite author ever.

Harry's POV

So she said no to the truce and she practically slammed the door in my face.

Damn, no one has done this before.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little impressed.

All the girls usually throw themselves at me. Through high school and  so far college, they're either dying to get to know me cause I'm rich or you know "spend time" cause I'm hot.

Besides Caleb and Scooter, I don't think I have any friends. There are acquaintances, of course. However, No one really knows me, and no one really wants to. I've had the worst luck in the friends department, but honestly right now I'd rather have few loyal friends than a couple who don't even care.

I still party with those people, I mean after all I need connections, and I have a reputation to keep.

I'm sitting in the living room, which thanks to Caleb, has an awesome sound system and a huge ass LED TV screen.
Best thing about the house though is what I like to call the Book Corner. It's not really a corner however, more of a room filled completely and utterly with books. A side of the wall is covered with windows and two Love seats. The view from this room is magnificent. The emerald color of the glass interacting with the exuberant red and yellow of the flowers. At night, it's completely different and a million times more magical. I know it's kind of cheesy coming from me. But watching the stars glowing, engulfed by the darkness of the night has a certain kind of peace to it. People underestimate the night. It's the most beautiful time of the day, and they spend it sleeping.

Don't get me wrong, sleeping is awesome but I'd rather stay awake as much as possible in the night than wake up in the morning. Because waking up in the morning indicates the start of a new day, a day where you realize all the shit you did the night before actually happened, and now your trying to fix everything. Whether you texted your ex a heartbreak song, or ate two family-sized ketchup flavored chips, or binge watched an entire season of a series while having work tomorrow at 7 am, or even started a fight with someone for no bloody reason, yes the darkness can do that to you. I read a quote once which said " They only people that are up at 3 am are either in love, lonely, drunk, or all three".

I guess this is as true as it gets in my case.

Caleb throws his backpack, which he carries freakin everywhere, on the couch and sits beside me.

" Hello, my rich as fuck best friend"

Caleb is even richer than me if that's humanely possible. At least shamefully, I still use my dad's money. He's making his own. Business men, sometimes his father's friends, hire him to hack into stuff, whether it's another firm's data or even their wives' phone, but Caleb gets a shit ton of cash from it.

Even the government themselves, sometimes ask him for help. I don't really know what he's doing college when he can go start a billion dollar tech business right now, and he would be able to give Apple a run for their money. I guess he wanted to learn more since he's a Business major like me. Though, he's way more enthusiastic about it.

I hate that I still don't know what to do with my life. It's absolutely terrible. Especially since everyone has their life planned already. Business was the reasonable choice so maybe one day I'd help Dad run the company.

Is it my passion? Nop.
And I don't know what is.

" Hello to you, my annoying unibrowed roomate"

He doesn't actually have a unibrow, just thick usual eyebrows. I just love annoying him.

He says, grabbing the TV remote from my hands and switching to MTV, where of course a Selena Gomez interview was on.

" Dude, seriously you're obsession is not healthy."

"Not like you're the one to talk, you've been obsessed with your new little toy prankster"

"What? You mean Crazyass?"

" Yea well, crazy or not she sure is hot as hell. Not to mention, she shaved your eyebrows and made fun of you multiple times in public, which makes her number two on my hero list"

"You're on her side now? Bro, she's totally insane"
I said taking the remote from him again, he's being stupid!

He raises his hands up defensively

"I'm on no one's side but you know if you don't make a move soon, I call dibs"

"Okay then when you're in prison in a couple of weeks being charged for murder, don't call me"

" but but you're so rich"
He gives me a fake pout, and I throw a pillow at his face.

" go to hell, Styles" he shouts as he leaves the room.

" not if I'll see you there, Stienfield"

He doesn't actually think Crazyass's hot right?

Who am I kidding of course he does!
Half the male population at college are dying to either get to know her or sleep with her. The other half know she's out of their league.

Ugh, even I can't deny it. Her curls with her green eyes make her look so fuckin sexy. She has this mysterious aura which makes her almost a thousand times more attractive, and the fuck-the-world-I-hate-everyone-attitude she has going just makes everyone die to get to know her story.

Pfffffft, she's still annoying as a freakin bee so no way.

Not like she'll agree anyway, it's clear she hates my guts. She didn't even agree to a truce. Maybe I should try again.

I'm not usually one to give up especially when i put my mind to it.

She doesn't seem like normal chicks, so buying her flowers and chocolate would be a no go.

What the hell am I even saying?

Nop no way, no way am I ever going to talk to her again especially since she embarrassed me a thousand times already.

Enough is enough

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