A Broccoli is More Loved than Him

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Hey guys! First of all THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY❤️ Secondly, please vote and comment your opinion of the chapters I really need some feedback.

Song of the Chapter:

Emma's POV


This day just turned a whole lot better.
Seriously, I'm happier than a fat kid getting a happy meal.

Karma is alive and well , ladies and gentleman. That idiot sure as hell deserved a plate of pasta served on top of his head.

Let's see how his shiny superhero hair is going to look now. He's going to take at least a couple of weeks to get back to being perfectly styled.

I swear to god if Cassie hadn't pulled me off of him, I would've punched his awfully symmetrical face. Oh, and one punch from me powould've made him look like Freddy Kruger.

Cassie basically kidnaps me towards the hallway. A couple of people look at me weirdly but I just shrug it off.

The campus is huge. Of course, it would be , this is one of the most prestigious, and expensive colleges in the state.

It's divided into two small ones , the East and West. I'm staying at the East Campus. It's where the majority of the students are at.

The library, where of course, most nerds are at. I don't usually consider myself a nerd, but I am an A student.

Honestly, don't even ask me how I have the time to do it. With all of my other jobs, I'm surprised I even have time for the task my mom assigned for me.

My parents didn't know about me being brain smart , so by default when they found out they started thinking about how to use this to their advantage.

No surprise there.

Now, here I am, in a college I don't even like, doing something I thought I'd never do.

Studying to get a degree.

Though, I don't believe that I'll last here more than a semester.

My time is too valuable.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not cocky or anything but there's so much for me to do out there.

To someone in my career, time is everything. Every second passing is so vital that your whole life may depend on it.

Precision is everything too. That's what makes me great at what I am.I've always known I was awesome.

Now, back to me being your tour guide, I haven't really discovered the rest of the campus.

Boring I know, but I've only been here a few days , and even then I was busy doing research.

What I have heard though, is that it has a football field. A "humungous "one is what the jerk showing freshman around campus said.

There's also a tennis court ,where as usual, the privileged kids who think football is a "vulgar" sport spend most of their time at.

Ha! Vulgar!

They should see me.

I think that's pretty much it.

The East Campus has all the buzz.

It's where the students who have high connections accommodate. Of course, it's so fancy you'd feel like your in Hollywood just walking their.

Actually, I may believe it's even better than Hollywood except well Ryan Reynolds isn't here.

The guys are mega hot, I'm not going to lie. The girls are even hotter.They're all ego-centric, narcissistic people, and yes I may be judgmental. It's still true. Of course, from what I realized, half the campus is dying to be them and the other half don't even care. At least they pretend not to.

The East Campus has all the restaurants, and cafes. By default, everyone practically stays there but they're only allowed into what they call "The Hangout Bucket" while the living accommodations ,which are usually 300 m apartments, are off limits.

As we head towards the room, Cassie starts twirling her thumb with her dress.

It's so obvious she wants to say something but is worried she shouldn't."Cassie, stop playing with your dress and just spill it out"

I said, my words coming out a bit too harsh than I intended too.

She looks at literally everything except me and finally her eyes land on the floor.

"It's nothing I swear, it's just that you just messed with Harry Styles  "

I spill out the water I had in my mouth all over the floor

" Watch it bitch! Where the hell did you come from?"

Some idiot screamed, with a dress too short that she really shouldn't be judging me right now.

"Wait! He's a Styles?"


How did I not know that.

I must've dozed off in the middle of my research.

But this never happens.

I don't miss details, and certainly not a detail as huge as this one.

He probably just enrolled recently.

Everyone knows the Woolfe family, and everyone knows how powerful and manipulative they are.

They're the perfect kind of family with Harry , the oldest, and Gemma, almost five years younger.

Some say his dad had another child, but the rumors disappeared exactly a day after that, so no one knows the truth.

"Yea, he dropped out last semester because he was a super failure, and apparently his daddy forced him to come back"

" Well, he deserves it! That dude is more annoying than a broccoli"

She laughs, it makes her face look a whole lot younger.

Her makeup is simple with pink eyeshadow and pink lipstick unlike my gothic one.

We finally arrive at our room, and I throw myself on the bed.

It's been a long day so honestly a 12 hour nap is just what the doctor ordered.

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