Revenge is Sweeter than a Molten Chocolate Cake

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Song of the Chapter: Jumpman- Drake

Harry's POV

That obnoxious twat.

Who does she think she is humiliating me in front of everyone?

Acting all perfect and smart and innocent, when she's the devil dressed in blue.

I found out her name was Emma. Such a sweet name for such an obnoxious person.

I was finally in a good mood after the party yesterday. Had a great time with the lads, met some hot girls, and maybe a couple of drinks. That's why I was hung-over as hell today. It felt Oompa Loomps were jumping around and bombing everything in my brain. That's why when Mr. Springfield asked me today, I had no idea what the dude was even talking about.

Leave it to Miss Crazyass here, to make the explosions in my brain seem like nothing.

Everyone here started fighting with each other and it was seconds away from turning into a WWE fight. My brain cannot handle that so as soon as I calmed down, Scooter and I left.
The campus is huge so I don't think I'll get the pleasure of seeing her again but a man's gotta take precautions.

I'm getting my revenge on her. I'm just not sure what it is yet.

My priority now though is finding freaking Zord.

Who's stupid enough to create a name called Zord?

My dad called again yesterday, and as soon as he found out I was at a party, all hell broke loose. Literally.

It started with the everyday lecture, then the threats, and eventually he hung up on me.

I wish I had some other pastime or hobby. I really do. But there's nothing in my life but parties. Ever since I was a child, and had to smile for all our lovely town's housewives.

Anyways, after making plenty of research and call, I found out about a club called Shadows and Mirrors.

It's a pretty cool name if you ask me.
Apparently, it's this exclusive club with underground fighting. People either get invites or try to solve the mystery of where this place is. They drop clues every now and then in different places, anyone who's smart enough to figure it out, is smart enough to enter the club.
One of my dad's friends, a senator, tried to find Zord a while back but he couldn't find anything after this club.
He wasn't able to get an invite of course, and I'm surprised he didn't look harder or ask one of his men to go and ask around.

Well, that's it for today. I'm too tired to function normally, guess it's an another binge watching series night.

"Scoot, did you get the stuff?"

We meet up in the third floor near the lecture room where I'm taking my marketing class.

Before I explain ahead what I'm about to do, I just need to say I know it's completely childish but Crazyass doesn't think she'll piss me off and get away with it.

And to be honest, I didn't have enough time to think of anything creative.

"Yea man, you sure you want to do this?"

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