What do you Call a Fake Noodle? An Impasta

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Song of the Chapter: Cool Kids by Echosmith

Harry's POV

"Dudeee, you just got served" My ,soon dead, best friend, Scooter said.

Hey that rhymed!

He's still laughing at the disaster that happened in the morning, 5 hours later.

Seriously, should not best friends help you in a fight instead of half crying half laughing and half peeing in the back? 
After I finally cleaned up and almost using two bottles of hair conditioning to get my perfect hair back, I wanted to do everything to forget today morning happened.

You do not mess with the hair.

It's as simple as that.

She should be lucky that I didn't throw her ass in jail.

Scooter,on the other hand, is still making food jokes.

It started with " What do Italians eat on Halloween? Fettuccine A-fraid-O" joke and ended with me almost throwing him under a bus.

The other jokes? Believe me, they're pure torture that even Jim Carey would've hated them.

If we hadn't been bestfriends since childhood, I would've thrown him in jail too with her.

He's been there for me though,through everything, and even if I will probably never admit it he's the one I can go to at the end of the day to laugh about things.

"Seriously though dude. That chick is nuts" He says while sitting down at my bed in the Easy Campus house.

We share a 5 bedroom house with my other friend Caleb. Don't ask why we have 5 bedrooms when we're only 3, it's a rich people problem.

Caleb is our tech guy. You want to hack the president's computer? You go to Caleb. You want to send a tweet from your favorite celebrity's account? You go to Caleb.

Seriously, that dude can hack into anything and everything.

He's a weirdo with of course the nerdy look. A red beanie is his bestfriend, and with his black buzz cut hair, he definitely pull the look off.

" Scoot, may you please forget about what happened today,and for the love of God help me find something on Zord." I said getting agitated.

To be honest, I'm tired of this search.
We can't find anything on this guy! It's like he doesn't even exist.
However, my dad gave me this responsibility, and I'm sure as hell going to prove to him that I can take it.

That's usually how my relationship with my dad works. Him always thinking that I'm spoiled, and me not caring what he says anymore.
It's not a perfect relationship, not even close. But I'm sure he's there for me when I need him, and that's all that matters.

"Look man, we looked everywhere. I asked my connections in Europe, and Caleb even hacked several police stations' server. That's dude is as gone as Janice and Chandler's relationship" He says raising his hands up defensively.

"Not the time to quote Friends now."

I put on a new white shirt with some blue shorts for the welcoming party.

" Heyyy! It's always time to quote friends and remember I'll be there for youu when the rain starts to pour" he sings.
With my long years with Scooter, I'm guessing he's about to start solo karaoke on the Friends theme song, so I grab the nearest pillow and throw it at him. His voice is just awful. Believe me, I'm doing this to protect the glass that would shatter as he starts.

"Not cool man! Not cool" he replies with a glare and a warning finger.

I chuckle back cause his facial expressions are hilarious like that.

We're heading towards the "Welcoming Party" as people call it. Of course, it's just another excuse for people to get drunk and dance.
I honestly do not have any thing I'd rather do, and I need to blow off some steam. I guess the party may be a good way to relax a bit.
One of the it girls or all of them, not sure, is throwing it. I don't even care.

Serena is the only one of them that I know of. Her dad and mine worked together on a couple of work projects, and of course as soon as my mom saw her I just know that she started planning our baby's name. That was about 2 years ago,ever since then they're still trying to hook us up together, and Serena doesn't seem to mind.

I, on the other hand, can't even imagine myself settling whether with a girlfriend or a wife.

Life is too short. Some like to spend it with their significant other, some spend it with their family or friends, but I'm comfortable spending it on my own.

What's the point of getting attached to someone when you know they're going to leave you in the end anyway?

Believe me, they all leave.

Even if they do stay, no one can stand living with one person for the rest of their lives. They start fighting, and soon divorce is knocking on their doors.

That's why I keep myself far far away from all relationships. Besides Scooter and Caleb, there's no one I really trust.
It's sad I know, but it's the truth.

We headed towards the party in Scooter's BMW car, all three of us.
Of course, we had to drag Caleb away from his laptop, and promise him a burger if he came with us.

He'd probably give his life up if he had an infinite supply of burgers in heaven.
The party is in Sigma Theta something,the girls' frat house that Serena is in.

It's so pink that I think my eyes are starting to hurt from looking at it.

"Welcom to Sigma Theta Psi!" A girl wearing a bikini shouts at us.

This is how the rest of my day goes.

Steal Me ( A Harry Styles Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz