Chapter 1

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He looked for him everywhere. Festus kept clicking something over the loud speaker that none could understand. They wanted to know what it meant. suddenly a cracking voice came on

It means will be at camp-half blood in a couple hours. it was Leo his voice sounded so sad. stop banging on my door.

Leo had been acting like this ever since the war ended. he started hinting this behavior when they found him in Malta. After the war he broke like he had been trying to act happy but he stopped. he went to his room the door was open and the room empty. he checked the engine room. no. finally he found Leo in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

"What's up man." Jason said trying to act natural like he didn't know Leo was acting weird. Leo just spit rinsed his toothbrush and stuck it back in his mouth to brush more. Jason couldn't just let his friend be like this "'ve been acting weird and I just want to know what's wrong?" Leo spit, rinsed his toothbrush and put it away. he was about to walk out when Jason lost his cool. He slammed his hand against the door way and blocked Leo "Leo...I'm your best friend tell me what's the wrong?!"

Leo looked at him his eyes where red and watering. His friend was really sad. Leo sighed. "fine." he said like it was hard "follow me." Leo ducked under Jason's arm and walked toward his room. Jason stood for a bit a little shocked for some reason but then caught up with Leo. They walked into Leo's room and Leo shut the door. Jason stood in the middle of his room a little surprised. Leo's room was spotless. The bed was made and his desk cleaned. Leo went toward the desk and pulled out the astrolabe they had found in Bologna except it had a crystal.

"Whoa." Jason said "where did you get that? does it work? did you fix it?" Jason had questions flowing from his mind. he wanted to shut up but they kept coming.

"I love to play 20 question!" Leo joked which made Jason smile. Leo hasn't joked like that in forever. "I got the crystal..." he stopped. a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped his face and continued "yes I fixed it and yes it works. if I hook it up to Festus it should be able to..." he stopped again, another tear rolled. He wiped his face a little to hard making his face red.

"This still doesn't explain why your so sad..." Jason said but Leo broke down the tears rolled down his face freely now as he stared at the astrolabe. it was showing picture and it also was asking a question "is this where you wish to travel?" it showed a picture of a girl. obviously a goddess except she was wearing jeans and a red t-shirt and she was crying too. it showed her working in a huge garden crying as she pulled weeds. "Leo do you know her?" Jason asked quietly. "Leo wiped his face.

"Yea." he mumbled. He kind of laughed kind of sobbed "she's crying about me?"

"Is that why you're upset? a girl? who is she?" Jason asked

"Yay" Leo said half-hearted "more questions..." Leo sighed "yes that's why I'm upset. yes she's a girl. and her name is Calypso."


"You mean the Greek myth Calypso?" he remembered now. she had helped her dad the titian in the first titian war and when they lost because she helped her dad she was exiled from the real world and was cursed to have Herod wash up on her shore and she would fall in love with them. This happened to Leo.

"Jason?" Leo said he notice that he was staring at Leo like a idiot "I said yes." the image was gone leaving Leo and Jason in the room. Leo crying and Jason stunned

"You fell in love with a goddess?" he said a little shocked.

"Yes is that a crime? out parents did that doesn't mean I can't." Leo said. he had a point...a good one to.

"No that's not what I meant..." Festus clicked on the over head and Leo pressed a bottom on the wall

"We will arrive at camp-half blood in 30 minutes." Leo translated. then he looked at Jason "you can not tell anyone."

"Why? you said-"

"Because they would try to help know how dangerous this will be. the line an oath to keep till an final breath is my oath and it's going to be a little dangerous to complete." he was going to continue when they heard a knock on the door

"Jason you in there?" piper "I need you."

"Uh...yea hold on" Jason said then he whispered to Leo "okay I get it...just try to lighten up...they are starting to worry."

"Sure." Leo said "humor is an amazing way to hide pain, Sparky!" Jason just rolled his eyes and walked out to help Piper.

Hope you enjoyed sunshines! see you soon!

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