
"Hey beautiful!" Lauren walked into the bedroom, ruffling the hair on top of Camila's head. Camila felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. She tried to suppress them. She wasn't supposed to feel this way. Especially about a girl. Especially about Lauren. The younger girl moved away slightly, as if she was uncomfortable under Lauren's touch. The green eyed girl pouted but walked over to her closet to pick out her clothes for the day.

Camila opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, deciding against it.

"What's wrong babe?" Lauren went to stand next to camila, who was now looking into the mirror. Camila's stomach flipped at the sound of the innocent nickname. Her eyes took in Lauren's features. The tiny specks of gold scattered through Lauren's green eyes. The perfect slope of her cute button nose. And Lauren's full, pink lips. She would be lying if she said she didn't have the desire to kiss the older girl. Camila couldn't detach her gaze from Lauren's lips. She finally moved her gaze to Lauren's eyes. The green eyed girl quickly averted her gaze from Camila's lips to the floor.

"Lauren?" Camila spoke up softly. Lauren raised her head and nodded for Camila to continue. "Can I k-, never mind. Fuck it."

Camila crashed her lips against Lauren's. The older girl didn't reciprocate at first. She was stunned. Lauren came to her senses and put her fingers in the belt loops of camila jeans and pulled their bodies closer. Camila pulled away to catch her breath. She observed Lauren. Her eyes were wide and her hair was a mess from Camila's hand being tangled in it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just come onto you like that. I know that you're straight. And I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm so sor-" Lauren cut Camila off, saving her from her anxiety.

"One more time." Lauren questioned. Camila nodded in response. Lauren put her hands on the side of Camila's face and pulled her in for a short sweet kiss. That was all it needed to be.

"Wow." Camila expressed, still trying to catch her breath.

"Good wow? Or bad wow?" Lauren questioned, becoming insecure.

"Good. Good wow. If thats okay." Camila responded, still in shock.

"That's perfect." Lauren reassured the small girl.

"I like you Lauren. Like a lot. Like, I like like you. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just needed to kiss you. You don't ever have to talk to me again if you don't want to. I'm sorry if I fucked everything up." Tears escaped Camila's waterline, rolling down her hollow cheeks.

"I like you too. I like like you too." Lauren admitted her feelings.

Camila let out a breath of air she didn't know she was holding in. She had been waiting months to hear those words come from Lauren's mouth. She tried to push her feelings for Lauren away, but it never worked. At first it wasn't anything big. It was just a thought in the back of her head about Lauren. Then her crush got bigger. The 2 girls grew increasingly close. Every time Lauren cuddled Camila or held her hand, Camila's heart beat would speed up. She realized her crush for the green eyed girl and she tried to forget her feelings. She didn't want to mess up their friendship. She'd rather have Lauren as a friend then nothing at all.


"What do you want to do today?" Dinah questioned, looking at Lauren expectantly.

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