Chapter 11

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  Thomas's POV

I woke up about 1 hour ago and decided to just stay in bed. However, I soon rolled over and made my way down the hall. I peeked in Charlie's room to see she wasn't in room. Walking downstairs, I saw Brandon asleep on the couch. I know he does have my best interest but I think I am perfectly fine now. As long as I take my medicine I'm sane and at ease. I just needed Charlie to be here with me and everything would be great. I walked to the kitchen and spotted Charlie at the refrigerator. She was bent down digging out fruit and juices. I stood there watching her as she occasionally made scrunched up faces. She was so adorable and all mine. She finally rose up turned around. I guess I startled her a little which caused her to drop some of the fruit. "Oh you scared me." She says softly and bends down to pick up the fruit. I was by her side instantly and helping her. She looked kind of dazed a bit which concerned me."Are you okay?" She didn't even respond just rocked a little and continued to pick up the mess. I grab her shoulder which caused her to flinch back."Baby, what's wrong?""Sometimes I just get nervous." She says looking down embarrassed. "Don't ever look embarrassed to tell me about yourself." I say holding her chin up. "And I'm sorry I didn't know your anxiety got that bad." I felt horrible. She was probably already nervous and I just made it worse. "It's okay." I give her a gentle kiss on the forehand and rise from the floor."So did you need help with anything?" I ask hoping she'll say yes."No I got it, you can go lay back down." She says sweetly.I stroke her back softly and watch her get everything ready. I loved her with all my heart. She was so hardworking; she often overworked herself. I hated her working in that cafe and begging for more hours to make ends meet. At the beginning I used to mail her money and checks but they were never used. It hurt me but I had grown used to it. "Okay love, just yell if you need anything." I say giving her one last kiss and going back upstairs.Charlie's POVTo say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was in the middle of pulling out the sedatives when Thomas came in the kitchen. I didn't know how things would happen but I think I was ready. The sandwiches were already done and the sedatives were crushed up. I put the sedatives on the bottom bun with blended with the bread pretty well. I put it all together and added it to the picnic basket. "Everything good?" Brandon says from behind me."You almost gave me a heart attack." I say holding my chest.
"Oh I'm sorry." He half laughs. "Is everything set?" "Yes, we'll be leaving in a little and just don't forget your part." I say seriously."I won't. You'll get out of here." Hes says sincerely. I started to walk upstairs toy bedroom and went to the closet to get the dress Thomas wanted me to where. It was a long red maxi dress that had a small v line. I threw it on the bed and grabbed the silver sandals that matched. I walked to the bathroom and ran the shower. I strip down and jumped right in. I closed my eyes and relax as the hot water ran on my sore back. I washed and got. I washed and got out. I grabbed a towel to die off with and tie around me. I quickly brushed my teeth and went back to the bedroom. Looking through the shelves, I decided to use my favorite coconut body cream. I put on the dress and and sandals and walked to Thomas's room. When I walked in I was expecting him to be a bit dramatic since I was in a dress but it was the exact opposite."Thomas, are you ready?" I say making my way deeper into the room. He looked deep in thought and just watched me blankly. He forced a smile on his face then looked back down."Are you ready....honey?" I trail off a bit since their was so much tension. "Yes, sweetheart I am." He says with a bit of sarcasm in his tone. He walks right past me and down the stairs. I follow behind him and walk to his truck. The basket was in the back seat. He slammed the door and started the engine. It was a silent car ride and I that didn't put me at ease at all. We drove for a while as I watched us come close to civilization and then leaving it. When we got there it was mostly field but woods towards the back. We both hopped out and he grabbed the basket. He grabbed the blanket and walked towards the open field. I was still looking through the backseat for jackets for when it got colder tonight. I finally found them in the trunk and began to approach Thomas. He had a smile on his face and watched me mesmerized. "You surely look beautiful, my love." He says when I get closer."Thank you."We sat down and the sandwiches were already unwrapped. I could tell which one was mine because it had tomatoes on it and his didn't. I began to eat and drink my juice and we chatted a little."So do you love me?" He says shifting the innocent conversation to something more. "Of course I do. I thought I proved that to you a while back ago." I say trying to sound as normal as possible."Why don't you show me?"I nearly choke on my sandwich. I didn't know he was going to this fast. We barely even have eaten."I was hoping we could do it back at m-make it more romantic." I say rubbing his knee."Why don't you show me know? It's just us and no one else. No one here to bother us." He stares at me and leans forward kissing me roughly. I try to lean away which only makes him pull me tighter. I groan uncomfortably and his possessiveness. He continues to kiss me as I try to respond. His hands were up my dress grabbing my butt. The dress rose until it was around my waist. "T-Thomas stop-ped please." I whimper.He bites my neck violently causing me to scream and yank away from him holding my neck in pain. "Do you really think I'm stupid?" He asked breathy."Wh-hat ar-""I saw you put those pills in my food Charlie." He says coming closer me.I look at him and then around me. He knew exactly what I was doing. I had to make a run for it. I scoot backwards and and quickly get up to run. He pulls me by my hair and puts a knife to my throat. I was back on the ground and he was on top of me."DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST PLAY ME!!!" He roars in my face. " u-used me." He says sounding hurt. "Thomas please. I'm sorry ." I say scared for my life."No you're not. You're just like everyone else." He says leaning upwards. "I TREATED YOU LIKE GOLD AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO ME!" I knee him in the stomach and move as fast as I could. But it's as if he knew what I was going to do before I even did it."STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!" He pulls me back and stabs me in the leg with the knife. I scream in pain and grab my leg in pure agony. He grabs my face and looks me right in the eye."I hate you yo-""No you don't Thomas please!" I say begging."SHUT UP!" He yells."You're a liar and a fake just like everyone else. I want you dead." He says with venom in his voice and throws my face back down. He raises the knife right above me. "You never loved me did you, DID YOU?""I do love you Thomas." My voice was cracking horribly and he was preparing to stab me again. I grabbed his wrist and pulled it so it could inches beside my face. I elbow him in the head, grab the knife and stab him in the arm. Then I make a run for it as best as I could on my injured leg."CHARLIE!" He half cries/yells. I don't think about looking back. I was in the middle of the woods and didn't know where the hell he was. I looked behind me and all over and didn't hear or see anything in the darkness. I jog a little more until I think I see a hiding spot. Out of no where, I am tackled. He must have waited for me to make a noise so he could know where I was. "You can't leave me baby." He says tears down his face while caressing my face."HELLPPP! SOMEBODY HELP MEE!" "No one's going to hear you out here darling. "Thomas please it's over. Just let me go back home and you can get the help you need." I say grabbing his face pleading with him.This seemed to anger him which caused him to snatch me up by my dress and shove me against a tree."I DON'T NEED ANY HELP!""Thomas you're crazy. You nee-.""Stop trying to persuade me. I don't need anything but you. When you're away from me that's what makes me go crazy." He sounded so obsessively. "I'm sorry..." I trail off trying to not think about my leg. "No don't be it was him. This was all Brandon's fault. He told you these things, didn't he?" He grabs my face really hard pulls it closer to his."You think he's better than me, don't you?" He questions. "Everyone does. He can't have you. I want allow it. EVER!" "Thomas that'll never happen." "I know it won't. So what, you two were planning against me? You love him. You had all of this planned out so you two could be together." He sounded so sure of himself. "YOU ONLY LOVE ME! I'll kill him. I'll kill all my competition or anyone who gets in the way of us.""What are talking about? I never said I Ioved him Thomas. He's your brother.""F**K HIM!" He was still outraged but calmed down in a matter of seconds."I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. I never meant to hurt you. This is Brandon's fault. I love you so much; I just need you to be still."He pulls a needle out his back pocket and looks at me with tearful eyes."Thomas, don't" I try pulling away. He puts me in a headlock which only causes me to panic more."Thomas please stop.""Just be still I don't want to hurt you angel." He sticks needle right in my neck and darkness overtakes me.Thomas's POVI felt like utter shit. I hated to treat my princess like this but she did need to learn. She was running over me and I allowed it because I needed her so much. As we drove back home, I couldn't stand to look at her all bloody and injured. I can't hurt her again. But she does need to be disciplined. I can't tolerate it anymore. It was mostly Brandon's fault but she still agreed. I hated to yell at her and hurt her. She just needed to listen to me and she wasn't. But now I was focused on Brandon and getting him out the picture. All my trust is broken. When we made to the mansion I grabbed my hammer from the trunk and barged right in. I stalked inside trying to find him. I heard him on the phone in the kitchen and didn't waste any time. I ran up behind him and knocked him down."Tho-"I slam the hammer into his face."I HATE YOU! YOU PIECE OF S**T!""She doesn't love you Thomas." He barely whispered."You're a liar. You made her like this. So who does she love? You?" The thought alone sent me over the edge."SHE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU!" I slam the hammer again.He looked at me dazed and tried to talk. I pounding the hammer repeatedly into his head causing a bloody mess. I wash off my hands and run back to the truck to get Charlie. I place her on the bed and give her kisses. She was my princess but I needed to be stricter. I can't imagine hurting her again but I knew what I had to do. I rush back to my truck and drove to Christine's house.

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