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  It's been 2 years since I've seen Charlie. I wonder how she is now. I'll never forgive myself for letting her go. We could've still be together now with a family. I am back at the mental institution but was outside in the park area. I noticed the roses in the garden and smiled at the thought of how it all got started from a box of flowers. I plan to see my love again if I ever get out of here. I still love her even more now than ever. And when I do I'm never letting her go. I thought I was crazy about her before, but now I'm insane.


A part 2 to this book is coming out shortly here's the preview again.

"Don't walk away from me." I say grabbing her arm making her tense up and stiff.
"I just need some rest." She releasing herself from me.
"Sweetheart you can tell me anything."
She puffed out and finally turned around with tears in her eyes.
"I don't want this anymore...I want to go back to Texas with Brett and not get married. I want to go home."
My heart was torn to pieces. I thought she loved me, our wedding is tomorrow and thought she was in complete happiness. My sadness soon became anger. I walked up to Charlie furious and I can tell she was scared. I grabbed her hair making her wince and threw her against the floor. She tried to crawl away but I grabbed her until she was standing up.
"I don't care what want! We are a couple and are getting married tomorrow." I threat right in her face. "Don't you ever speak about anything else BUT ME!"
"YOU CAN'T TE-" I slapped her in the face making her hit the floor. She was on the floor holding her face and was trying not to attack her.
"You don't remember what I told you, huh?"She looks up at me confused with tears in her eyes. "Let me refresh your memory. I don't care what I have to do to keep you here. I will break your ankles so you can't run away from me, I will go back to New Jersey and bring your family here and you WILL watch me kill them, or how about I bring Christine here again. Would you like that?"

"Please Thomas, don't do this to me." She tries to pull on me but I flinch backwards and walk out of the room slamming the door leaving her on the floor crying. I go into my room and begin to cry myself to sleep. Nightmares soon began invade my mind.

Thanks for reading!

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