Chapter 10

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  Thomas's POV

I wake up to banging on the door. I was hoping it wouldn't wake Charlie even though she's a deep sleeper. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could to see who the hell it is. Swinging open the door, my brother, Brandon is revealed. "What the hell do you want now?!" I question angrily. "Listen, Thomas I know you're mad at me, but you need my help. Vincent knows I'm here so there's nothing you can do or you'll go back to the mental institution. I'm trying to make this easy for you."The sheer thought of Vincent was enough to make me heated. They had to previously arrange this ahead of time since Vincent is gone. I'll be damned if I go back to that institution especially if I'm away from Charlie. I didn't want to deal with him and I didn't want anyone next to Charlie but I had to do what I had to do. "Okay you can come but be quiet." I say moving out of the door way."So what's been up lately?" He asks trying to make conversation.I simply just ignore him and go back upstairs and watch some TV in my room. The news was on and I am still shocked I haven't seen one story about me or Charlie. It's been 2 months now. I wonder if Christine has taken matters into her own hands and is trying to find her by herself. It seems like something she would do. I'm broken from my thoughts when I here Charlie walking out of her bedroom. She was in shorts and a big T- shirt like she always wore to bed. However, that was when I was only here, now that Brandon is here I can't allow that. The thought of him even looking at her made me furious. I would kill him if he even looked her way.Charlie's POVI woke up after I heard banging on the front door and Thomas talking to someone. A burst of happiness came through me. I stayed in bed a little longer and then decided to get up. Today was the day I could finally leave and maybe it would be sooner than I thought. I rushed out of bed and looked right downstairs and saw a man. He looked tired himself and was sitting on the couch in a deep thought. He had dark hair and a little face stubble and looked to be about 27. I was on my way downstairs until I was called out by Thomas."Doll." He says coming out of his room. "Yes." "Put these pants on over those shorts." He says handing them to me.I grabbed them and obeyed since I wasn't up for having a fight today especially since we have that date later on. "Who's downstairs?" I question."He's my brother and he has no where else to go." He sighs. I almost felt bad for Thomas. This is probably what made him go crazy. He always had to take care of his younger brother and maybe I was his only ounce of freedom to feel young again. He had to grow up quicker for his brother's sake. But that still gives him no reason to kidnap me against my will. "Ohh that's sweet." I say smiling up at him."Yes, would you like some breakfast?" He says clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Sure, french toast.""Anything else?""No, that's it.""Alright princess." He says pecking me on the lips.I held the smile as long as I could until he finally walked away. I wiped my mouth raw and was disgusted by what he would try on our picnic. Thomas walked downstairs and completely ignored his brother which threw me off a bit. How can you offer your house to someone and be rude about it? I walked downstairs when Thomas was fully in the kitchen and cooking. I was making sure Thomas was distracted so I can see if his brother could really help. "Charlie?" His brother looked to be in disbelief."What are you doing here?" He asks."Who are y-" "Charlie breakfast is ready." Thomas's interrupts. I was trying to play it safe and not let Thomas know what was going on. But of course it backfired a bit since I couldn't even tell his brother what happened yet."Here you go angel." Thomas says and sitting my plate down on the table. "Thank you."Thomas sits down and with his plate and doesn't make eye contact or offer his brother anything. I felt uncomfortable just eating as his brother watched. I looked at the stove and saw all the dishes were in the sink and there was no food left."I can fix you something if you'll like." I offer him."He's fine." Thomas says without even looking up. "Yes, I'm fine I already ate something." He says putting his head down."So what's your name?" I ask."Brandon."I can tell Thomas didn't like the fact of me in the room or talking with other men. At least that's what it seemed. He was rubbing my knee fairly hard and eating stiffly. "Honey can you go get my robe for me?" I ask ever so kindly."No."This was the first time Thomas had ever told me no before. He always did what said and gave me what I asked for. It was like I was seeing a new side to him. He was being even more smothering. I have no idea how I'm going to talk to Brandon alone. After breakfast was over, we all moved to the movie theater and Thomas was deadly close to me. Brandon puts in Dumb and Dumber. He sits back down and stares at the floor and looks afraid to laugh and loosen up. I look over at Thomas who is knocked out. I give Brandon a look that saying meet me in the hall. I try to get up but Thomas has a tight grip on me."No!" He says acting like a 5 year old boy. "You need to go to bed." I say rubbing his head."No.""We need to go to bed." I say hoping he'll lift up. In response he did. Brandon was just staring at the floor the entire time but occasionally looking up. Thomas slowly gets up and grabs me instantly as if I'm going back on my word. When we made it to his room it's as if he was sleep walking but his grip on me was still strong. He laid down and I fell down with him."Okay get some rest." I say trying to leave."No, you aren't leaving." He says rubbing my back.I grab his face and kiss him aggressively. He tiredly responds back and pulls me closer. He looked winded and was breathing harder."The faster you go to sleep, the faster we can continue this tonight." I say seductively."Tonight? I can't wait that long." He says kissing my neck."You can and will. I have to prepare the food baby.""Okay angel, I love you." He says falling completely asleep.I walk out the room and nearly scream when I see Brandon there. "Do you love him?" He questions."Let's talk downstairs."We were dangerously close to Thomas's room and I was not willing to take any chances. We made our way downstairs and sat down on the couch."Thomas took me one day and he's greatly obsessed with me." I say as simply as I know how.He doesn't look that taken a back but does look curious."I knew he did have a thing for you, but he was so closed off about it. I figured it was just a puppy love. You know like trying to fill the void for his wife.""He's married?!" I ask startled."He was but she died in a car wreck. He's always been a little off and when she died he started to like you. I must say he slowly grew closer to you but I didn't think anything of it.""What was her name?""Veronica.""Do you think you can get me out of here?""I can try of course but what are you planning to do?""We are going on a date a little later today and I want to put sedatives in his food and let them work their magic.""Okay and what do you want me to do?""Give me 2 hours and then call the police. He should be unconscious and then he'll wake up in the institution.""Alright, I can handle that. But what if it doesn't go as planned.""Let's hope it does. Don't jink anything." I say.I thank him and walk back upstairs to rest to distract myself. I was putting my life on the line. Thomas is an unpredictable guy and if I slip up one time he can kill me. I make it to my bedroom and roll under the covers. I lay their until I fall asleep dreaming about the nightmare that awaits me.

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