Chapter 7

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I attempted to roll over but my hands and legs were tied to the bed post. The memories of last night came flooding into my thoughts. My head began to ache and fear began to consume me. I started to scream for help as soon as I regained my voice which was hoarse. My kidnapper rushed through the door and was by my side instantly.
"What's wrong baby, are the ropes too tight?" He asked still staring around the room. I looked at him at disbelief. He was white and looked to be around 50. He was dress in a normal black t-shirt and pajama pants. I was taken aback and was scared for my life wondering what he wanted from me.
"N-no" I barely stuttered out.
"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked concerned. I weakly shook my head expecting him to leave. He stared down at me a for a little minute which made me look to the other side of the room and he reluctantly walked out. Creep! I thought to myself. I tried to pull on the ropes as hard as could but there wasn't any success. I started to take in my surroundings. I had to strain upwards to barely get a glimpse of the pool right outside of the house. Well I should say mansion! There were large trees and freshly mowed grass and a area for the guests. The bedroom was nice to but modest compared to the scenery of the house. But I was in the middle of nowhere. No cars, people, or houses. I don't know how the hell I was gonna get out of here. Maybe he'll let me go for a swim one day or he'll trust me enough to something to get out of these damn restraints. I was broken from my thoughts when he entered the room with a full course breakfast. Waffles, eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausages with cups of juice. The smell was intoxicating and my mouth began to water. The fact that he kidnapped me against my will went completed out the window. I was starving! He placed the tray on the end of the large bed and slowly began to untie the ropes. He massaged my wrist as he did this but didn't untie my ankles.
"Why am I here?" I say nervously breaking the silence.
"Because I love you" He said with a smile. His voice sounded so gentle which was the contrary of his physically persona. He was very tall maybe 6'2 and his eyes were dark and mysterious.
"Y-You don't even know me."
"I've watched you for a while now," He sat down on the bed.
"I was at the cafe and when I saw you it was love at first sight. You're perfect." He says so honestly it made my anxiety skyrocket. I lean up as far as I can and try to reason without angering him.
"Listen..." I try to think of his name although he knew exactly who was was.
"It's Thomas, love. I thought the letter and flowers said it all, my apologies." "Thomas, you seem like a sweet man but I don't know you and I really want to go back home."
"What do you mean? This is your home. I've made it perfect for you." He walks to the closet and opens it to reveal all the nice clothes and shoes. I must admit they were all nice but it creeped me out that he knew all my sizes and style. I was trying to remain calm because I can tell he was getting a little desperate. He was basically pleading with me.
"And that's really sweet but this isn't my life." I say while his back is still turned.
"I won't tell the police or anything like that. Maybe we can go somewhere closer to where I live and the-"
"I don't give a damn who you tell!" He says finally looking at me.
"I've waited TOO long and worked TOO damn hard to have you try to persuade me that this isn't love!" He says getting in my face angrily. I instantly felt intimidated since he had the upper hand. He was bi polar as hell and I needed to get out of here now but I still needed to be on his side.
"I-I'm sorry I-" I say as my voice was beginning to crack.
"No,no don't be sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out like that." He says putting his head down.
"You don't deserve to be yelled at." He says rubbing my face and looking genuine regretful.
"Here lets eat before the food gets cold." He says trying to lighten the tension in the air. By this time I wasn't even hungry. I felt afraid and defenseless of the monster in front of me. He loaded both of our plates and handed it to me. The food was still warm and looked delicious but my stomach was in knots. How could I have not noticed someone has been watching me everyday. My emotions got the best of me and started to break down. I missed my apartment, I missed Levi, I missed Christine, I wanted my life back. Thomas instantly looked up frantically trying to figure out what was wrong.
"What's wrong, angel?? Do you not like the food? I can fix you something else if you'll like that."I shook my head agreeing with his ridiculous allegations.
"Oh what would you like?"
"Can I have oatmeal?." I ask lightly. "Of course, I'm so stupid." He says running out of the room and completely unaware that I can get free. This is my chance. I hurriedly untied my legs and felt satisfaction as soon as I felt the cold floor. I opened the door and was awaited by a maze of hallways. I had no idea where the kitchen was but just ran left. I turned through several hallways and was getting a bit anxious to see how you got the hell out of here. I finally turned the last corner and recognized the large family table and stove. I peeked in a little and saw Thomas standing patiently by the microwave but he looked to be in a daze and seemed a bit off just waiting. I wonder what he was thinking. However, the microwave startled us both out of our thoughts when the timer ended. He slowly pulled the steaming oatmeal out and placed the bowl on an expensive looking plate. He grabbed the silverware and walked towards the room. It seemed I took the longer way since I noticed how the staircase was near and how the mansion connected. I waited until he was gone and walked further into the kitchen. "God dammit!!" Thomas yelled from downstairs. How the hell did he get up that fast??I started to think fast and tried to find the knives.
"CHARLIE!" His screams were getting closer until I saw him completely. I grabbed the knife and pointed it straight at him.
"Get away from NOW!" I say warning himHis face was red and he still stalked towards me slowly.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yell fearing the fact that he didn't look scared at all.
"Put the knife down." I started to back up a bit still pointing the knife at him.
"I'm not telling you again, put it down NOW!" His calm persona was instantly replaced with a furious one. "Please Tho-" He came charging straight at me but I made a run for it. I ran as fast as I could with him behind him until he tackled me. The knife flew across the hallway and he was on top of me.
"Thomas please let me go. I don't want to be here. Please." I say begging. "You're ruining everything. It was so perfect and special just for you and you're ruining it." I can tell he was sad but more pissed off this anything.
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" He roars slapping me across the face. He roughly picks me up and drags me to the room. He yanked me away from him making me fall hit my knee on the hard wood floor. He walked in the bathroom to get something and I realized it something to put me to sleep. He poured the chemical into the towel as he mumbled to himself and I watched in fear. He pulled from the ground and tried to make me breathe in. I fought the urge to. I thrashed back and forth trying to get free but nothing worked. Slowly, my vision got blurry and felt darkness overtake me.

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