Chapter 5

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*Chistine's house above

Thomas's POV con't

I drove to Charlie's house as fast I could with tears in my eyes. I needed to see her. To hear her voice and feel happy again. She was like a drug for me. She was the one who kept me sane and level headed. She was the only thing I wanted in life. And if my brother or who ever else can't see that I'll kill them just like I did Veronica. I finally made it to Charlie's house which made me even more excited. I wondered how she liked the flowers and note. It is already about 1 am so I don't have to sneak around since no one is around or can see me. I picked the lock of her front door. She is a deep sleeper and I do come in fairly quiet to be sure I won't startle her. Sometimes I'll put sedatives in her juice or water while she's at work knowing she'll drink it before bed so I can sneak in easier. But to my shock she wasn't here. Her apartment wasn't big at all and she for sure wasn't here and neither was that dog. My flowers were on the floor and the card was gone along with her car keys and purse. Where the hell is she? Is she okay? It's 1:00 in the f***ing morning! I slammed the front door and ran to my truck as fast as I could. I knew she had to be over that girl's house. She's always at home or work or over her friend's Christine house. It took me about 20 minutes to arrive at Christine's house. I looked up and noticed her at the very top window. And there she was sound asleep in her upstairs bedroom. I got out of the car and grabbed my camera. To my annoyance I saw that dog run outside along with Christine staring right at me. How could I not have noticed her and that runt? Why are they even out here at 1:30 in the morning? She quickly grabbed him and ran in the house while Charlie was still sound asleep. I jumped back in my truck and threw my camera in the backseat and drove off. Normally, Charlie always prepares to visit her friends which is better for my discretion so I'll know where she is. I know something happened but I just don't know what.

Charlie's POV

1 week later

"Hurry up Charlie! You take forever." Christine yelled from downstairs.

"Ok hold up I'm coming."

I quickly grabbed my purse and ran down stairs to be greeted by a very irritated Christine.

"Took you long enough." She grunted.

I simply shrugged and we made our way to her car and drove off. This past week has been pretty calm. I haven't been on edge and there hasn't been anything weird happening. I am thinking about going back to my apartment, but I don't know how to tell Christine. I love staying here but there's nothing like the comfort of your own home. We were in the car for about 10 minutes when we finally arrived to work. I instantly walked to the coffee machine and filled it with water waiting to pour myself a cup.


It has shockingly been busy all day. Normally, it's just the normal people here, but there hasn't been a quiet moment at all.

"Would this be all for you today sir?" I asked customarily with a smile.

"Yes, please."

I closed the box and headed to the cash register.

"Okay your total is $10.75"

He handed me the money which I added in the draw and gave him his donuts and coffee.

"Have a good one."

"You too, miss"

Christine and I both got off work at 4:30 today. I was waiting for her in the car while she went to the restroom. I was trying to think of a way to tell her I wanted to go back to apartment without her being worried.

Christine made her way to the car and slammed the door.

"Hey, I was thinking about going back to my apartment tomorrow." I say looking down.

"Are you sure?"

I was taken aback. She's normally never calm and for her to instantly accept my decision was rare.

"Yes, I'm sure. I love staying over but I miss my apartment and the comfort of being there." I say honestly.

"Okay I understand just be cautious and aware and if ANYTHING seems off just call or go to a neighbor's house, even if it's MS. Mccoy."

I half laughed and promised her then we drove off.


It was about 9:00 pm now. Christine was asleep since she had work early tomorrow morning whereas I didn't have work at all tomorrow. I was on the couch watching TV with Levi who was falling asleep himself. The house was so quiet I started to drift off. I got up from the couch to go to the guest room upstairs. I was already in my PJ's so I pulled hair up into a ponytail and went to bed.

The Next Morning

I woke up at about 10:00 to an empty house. Christine probably left at 7:00 to open up the cafe. I was so excited to go back home, to be in my own bed. Her house was comfortable though. She lives the luxury life. It was basically a mansion compared to my apartment. I did enjoy it while I was here,but I want to go back to my life. I probably was going to be gone by the time she got here which was going to be later tonight. I made my to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. I grabbed the Froot Loops and reached up for a bowl and poured the milk. I ate in peace while browsing through my email. After I was done I walked back upstairs to begin packing up my things and placing them into the over sized duffel bag. After I was done I laid back down to take a quick nap. I rolled around 3:30 fully refreshed. I didn't mean to sleep that late but I guess I needed it more than I thought. I was planning to leave around 5. So I lounged around a little longer and ate a bit until I had to call a car service to pick me up since Christine had the car. The car service arrived close to 5:00. I grabbed my things and walked to backseat of the car.
"Where to maam?"

"6717 Gear Lane."

He started to type the address in his GPS and began to drive off.

As soon as he made his way into the apartment parking lot I felt so relieved.

"Have a good day."

"You too." I say getting out.

I looked for my keys in my purse and opened my door. The scent of my perfume hit my nose and I never I could miss this place so much. Home sweet home. 

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