Chapter 2

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Christine picture above

I got up earlier than expected even though I didn't have work. I walked to the kitchen and started to fix some eggs and bacon. As I was cooking, my phone began to buzz to show Christine was calling.


"Hey wanna go to breakfast."

"Actually I'm eating now, but I'm taking Levi to the park afterwards. Wanna come?"

"Yea I'll meet you there, what time?"

I thought for a second and looked at the clock.

"Around 12."

"Perfect, see you then."

"Alrighty Bye."

*Ends call

I continued eating my eggs and drinking my juice until Levi woke up and came over to me.

"Hey boy" I said in high pitched voice.

He leaped in my lap excitedly. He didn't really bark that much last night which was a good thing. As much as I am trying to be nonchalant I am scared. I live in a quiet, safe neighborhood mostly everyone gets along and there's really no drama. I didn't want to overthink it though, it could had been a cat or something and he heard it. At least lets hope it was.

"Go get your leash Levi; we're going to the park with Christine." I said extra peppy which only earned a bark from him since I actually kept my promise.

I went back to the room and started getting ready. I didn't do much just a tank top with some Nike tights that I just bought along with the matching shoes and I started to braid my hair. I put on my favorite music and began to brush my teeth and wash my face. I don't really wear makeup unless I'm going out somewhere special, however I did put on some lip gloss. As I applying my mascara, Levi started barking again. A rush of panic but annoyance came over me. I ran to the kitchen where he was and alas nothing was there. I checked the windows and outside. I looked at Levi who looked calm as ever as if he wasn't throwing a fit a few seconds ago.

"You have got to be the most impatient dog." I sighed and grabbed my purse.


Christine was a few minutes there before me. She was a really beautiful girl. She had on black yoga pants and a neon green sports bra with a jacket tied around her waist. Her hair was effortlessly tied in curly bun. She has the best body. I still compare myself sometimes but how could I not she's damn near perfect. We would occasionally say how we should switch bodies. She would complain about her full legs while complain about my thin ones.

'I guess that's what all best friends do,' I thought to myself and shrugged off.

"Best Frieennnddd!!" She ran up and hugged me as soon as she saw me. I hugged her back even tighter.

"Heyy Levi." She grabbed him and rubbed him behind the ears which only made him more eager and lick her face.

I laughed and we slowly started to walk after Levi calmed down a bit.

"So has Levi been acting weird again?"

I dreaded that question.

"No he's been good," I lied. "I think it might've been a stray cat or something."

I didn't want her to worry and freak me out even more. I had to go back home after this and the last thing I wanted was to fear my own house. We walked for about an hour until we decided to go for some ice cream nearby. Christine trailed me to the parlor which was about 10 minutes away. I ordered mint chocolate chip, my favorite, and Christine ordered Mocha Almond Fudge. We sat down and started telling each other different stories which caused us to laugh up a storm and draw attention. But we are used to that.

Thomas's POV

I lied to Brandon and said I was going to see my doctor, Vincent, to tell him my progress. The last I want is my brother getting in the way or I'll end him too. I'm not open to him at all about her before he tries to ruin my happiness and that would reveal that I've been lying all along. I went to the store to buy some roses for my love. I knew Charlie didn't have work today. It worked in my favor even more that she was taking her dog for a walk. I went there this morning and she was awake earlier than I expected. I drove to her apartment and waited in a small corner by the garage. I began to grow impatient to put my gift inside her apartment. I grabbed a few pebbles from the sidewalk and threw them at the kitchen window knowing the dog would react. I made a run for it to her bedroom window and ducked down. I lifted my head a little to see exactly what I wanted, her running to see why her spoiled dog was keeping up so much commotion. About 7 minutes later she was done checking the house I heard her drive off. Getting out of the uncomfortable position, I opened the window and quickly climbed in. Her scent instantly filled my nose. So intoxicating. I needed her so badly. I put the box of roses on her bed and pulled a pen out of my pocket to write a on card.

My Dearest Angel,

I hope you enjoy my present, I know how much you love roses. Nothing can compare to my love though. I think about you all time. You're so beautiful and your presence brings light to my dark life. I'll see you see you soon precious.

Your lover,


I placed the note right in front of the flowers. I walked to her draw where she kept her bras and underwear. I grabbed the first pair I saw, a black, lacy pair which looked wonderful on her. I placed them to my nose and took a deep breath. I imagined her in them and started to day dream about her dancing sexily in them for me. I quickly ended my thoughts before I got too excited and went back to the window and left with my token of hers. God she will be the death of me.

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