Chapter Thirty-Seven - Warmth and Worries

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Hello all

So there has been zero feedback on pretty much all of the chapters on this book, and I just wanted to say that feedback is really, really appreciated. It lets me know what people like and dislike about it or if they understand what I'm trying to say.

Warnings: anxiety attack

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Eileen's POV
February 10, 9:03 am

May had woken up two hours ago, but Eileen stayed and chatted with her until everyone else woke up. Today was the day. She was going to tell May that she and Sam were getting married, and she wanted May to be her maid of honor.

Hey, I have to tell you something, Eileen began. May shifted on her bed, a look of uncertainty and nervousness spread across her face. It's nothing bad. It's actually very good. May relaxed a little. So, your uncle Sam and I are going to get married.

Really? May sat up straighter.

Yeah, we are.

Oh my God! Really? I'm so happy for you! May reached forward and hugged Eileen. It was a good sign; it meant May was comfortable and felt safe enough to initiate physical contact.

Thank you, May. I have something else to tell you. Well—I have to ask you.

May nodded.

May, will you be my maid of honor?

May smiled widely. Really? You want me to be your maid of honor?

I do.

Yes! I would love to! Thank you so much! She hugged Eileen again. When she pulled back, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

What's wrong, honey?

I'm just so happy for you and Uncle Sam.

Thank you, May.

Have you set a date yet?

No, not yet. But we want it to be sometime in the summer.

The door to May's bedroom opened, and Sam stood there. Did you tell her? he asked, a smile growing on his face.

Eileen nodded. May reached her arms out for Sam, and he gladly accepted the embrace.

I'm so happy for you, May signed once she pulled away.

Thanks, Shortie. I just came to tell you that breakfast should be ready soon.

Okay. Thank you.

Once Sam left, Eileen turned back to May. I got you something, she signed and reached down for the plastic bag sitting at her feet. I figured you must be bored sitting here all day, so I brought some entertainment. She gave the bag to May, and let her explore the contents. She grinned as she rummaged through the sudoku books, the crosswords, the word searches—anything Eileen thought May would like, she bought.

This is so nice, May signed. You didn't have to do this for me. Thank you.

It's no problem, sweetheart.

The bedroom door opened again, but it was Cas this time that walked in. He held a small plate of chocolate chip pancakes. May couldn't eat full-blown meal portions yet, so they had to slowly increase her amount of food she ate every day. Cas set the plate down in front of May, who smiled up at him.

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