Chapter Twenty-Five - Endangerment and Engagement

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Hello all.

So, I want to talk a little bit about something. This story has a plentiful number of reads, yet little to none votes and comments. It's discouraging to me as a writer because I've worked really hard on this story and spent a lot of time writing it and coming up with new ideas. If this trend continues I might just stop publishing.

Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, fear of the dark, torture

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


May's POV
January 14, 2:34 am


That was the first thing May noticed when she woke up. Darkness.

Her head throbbed from where she was hit. She tried to touch it, but found that her hands were tied together behind her back. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to sit up, but her head connected with the roof of her imprisonment. May was suddenly thrown up in the air, and she landed on her side. She realized where she was now. She was in the trunk of a car.

A car with a very small and dark trunk. May tried to stop the tears that came to her eyes and the quickening of her breath, but it was no use. The claustrophobia-induced panic attack settled in, and May let it.

Castiel's POV
January 14, 7:11 am

Cas opened his eyes slowly. He rolled over to face Dean, and gently placed a hand over where the scar of Cas's handprint from when he rescued Dean from hell hid underneath his shirt. The gesture was enough to wake Dean up. "Hey," Dean said sleepily. "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to see if my hand was still the same size," Cas answered.

"Is it?"

"Just about."

Dean moved to get out of the bed, but Cas grabbed his arm to stop him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting up."

"No. Stay here for a little bit. You don't have work today."

"Cas, we have a kid to take care of, remember?"

"Of course I remember," Cas muttered. "Please? Just for a little while longer?"

"Oh, alright." Dean climbed back into bed beside Cas. Cas made sure that both himself and Dean had enough sheets to cover themselves. At some point, Dean fell back asleep, and Cas followed shortly after.

January 14, 9:31 am

Cas woke up and watched Dean sleep for a few minutes before waking him up. Dean grumbled and rolled over. "You said it yourself, Dean: we have a kid to take care of."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Dean muttered. The husbands trudged out to the kitchen, where Sam and Eileen sat at the table signing to each other.

"So, how did May's date go last night?" Sam asked.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Dean answered.

"She's not awake yet."

Dean and Cas turned around, expecting to see their daughter standing in the doorway or somewhere in the room, but she wasn't there. "I'll check on her," Eileen said and exited the kitchen.

"So, what did you two do last night? You weren't home until eleven," Dean asked and wiggled his eyebrows, taking a sip of his coffee. Cas rolled his eyes and smiled.

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