Chapter Six - Truth and Terror

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Hello all.

The past few weeks have been really crappy so I don't have much to report except for that I'm going to see Civil War on Friday and I'm psyched.

Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of blood, panic attack, claustrophobia

Feel free to comment your questions, concerns, and comments below.
-------------------------------------------------------May's POV
July 1, 7:38 pm

May lounged in her favorite armchair in the library and read. Dad and Papa left to pick up dinner from that burger joint they took her to on the day they adopted her. Sam was sick in bed with contagious strep throat.

May sighed and settled deeper into the armchair. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge as she sensed someone nearby; she could feel their presence. It couldn't have been Dad and Papa; she would've seen them walk through the front door. She stood, placing her book on the little table next to the armchair, and ran for the hall that led to Sam's room. May could feel whoever was in the house hot on her heels. She realized there were two people, not just one.

May opened her mouth and prayed that she had just made the loudest scream possible as the men who were chasing her grabbed her arms. One clamped their hand over her mouth. She shook her head and kicked and yelled, but they would not let go of her. Tears burned in her eyes as Uncle Sam flew from his room, a gun in hand.

"Let her go," Uncle Sam said. With Uncle Sam facing May, she could read his lips. She couldn't read the men's response, but when Uncle Sam held his gun tighter, she knew it wasn't good. May squirmed, and the men dug their fingers deeper into her skin.

It's okay, May. Everything is going to be okay, he assured her. May just nodded as tears welled in her eyes. Before Uncle Sam or the men could say anything else, May found herself standing in a lavish bedroom. The men shoved her onto a deep red velvet couch.

"Stay," the taller of the two men said. They left, slamming the door behind them. May stood and tried the door, but it was locked, as she guessed it would be. She went over to one of the windows and flung the curtains open, and was greeted by boards nailed over the windows.

Stay calm, May, she told herself. Dad and Papa and Uncle Sam will find you.

Someone tapped on her shoulder, and she jumped, whirling around to find a man in a black suit with a black beard looking down at her. He held his hands up in defense. "Easy there,--" he said something else, but May couldn't decipher what it was.

May pointed to her ears and shook her head. "What?" the man asked with confusion. She repeated the action. A look of realization spread across the man's face. He pointed at the sofa, and she sat on it, too afraid to object. The man pulled up a large chair that matched the sofa and faced her. "My name is--" She didn't catch what his name was, so she shook her head. The man huffed and stood, retrieving stationary from the mahogany desk in the corner.


May nodded nervously. What do you want with me? she signed.

Crowley rolled his eyes and handed her the notepad. She wrote down what she had signed and held it up. Crowley snatched the paper from her and scribbled something down.


May wrote down her response with shaking hands. She hesitated, the pen digging into the paper on the last letter.

What are you?

When Crowley read this, he smiled, then blinked. His eyes turned blood red everywhere except for his pupils. Red smoke seemed to dance around them. May jumped back, smacking her head on the gold frame of the sofa. Crowley seemed amused by this. He held up the stationary.

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