Chapter Eleven - Hospitals and Honesty

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Hello all.

I had my English final exam this morning, and it was actually really easy. Or I failed it, 'cause I really didn't study at all.

In case you were wondering, I won a business award at the award ceremony last Monday. I honestly was not expecting it.

I have finals all this week and next Monday. The only day off I have is Wednesday (and the weekend) but I have to get a tooth pulled on Wednesday so that should be fun.

Warnings: hospitals, surgery, a small sliver of audism

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Dean's POV
August 3, 1:08 am

Dean glanced down at May's pained and panicked face. You're going to be fine, okay? We're going to take you to the hospital.

May nodded as Dean slid his arms under her legs and lower back and picked her up, carrying her hurriedly out to the Impala. He placed her in the backseat, then crawled in beside her. Sam climbed into the front seat, and Cas rode shot gun. Cas turned around in his seat and looked at May, who was curled up in a ball and pressed against Dean's side. Dean put his arms around her as May wiped some tears from her eyes.

They broke the speed limit by at least ten miles per hour all the way to the hospital. Dean carried May into the emergency room. They stood there for a minute before a nurse approached them. "Can I help you folks with something?"

"We think our daughter has appendicitis. She's in a lot of pain," Cas answered.

The nurse motioned for them to follow him. He stopped in front of an empty bed, and Dean gently placed May on it. The nurse examined May's abdomen, pressing down on it. May winced. "Yep, she definitely has appendicitis. I think her appendix might even be ruptured. Alright, we'll get her admitted and I'll send a doctor over to you."

What did he say? May asked once the nurse had walked away.

You have appendicitis, Dean replied, finger-spelling "appendicitis". They think your appendix ruptured, too.

May snuggled deeper into the hospital bed, immense pain written clearly on her face. Sorry.

What are you sorry for? You couldn't have known this would happen.

Appendicitis means surgery, and surgeries cost a lot of money.

Oh, Peanut, don't you worry about that. Everything will be fine.

May's lips pressed into a thin line. Okay, she signed finally.

Castiel's POV
August 3, 3:25 am

The doctor that had been assigned to May scheduled her appendectomy for tomorrow at one o'clock. Everyone was exhausted, including Cas. He had passed out in a chair that could recline into a bed next to May's bed.

Cas woke from his sleep in the middle of the night. He opened his eyes to see Dean, seated in a chair holding on to May's hand, his forehead resting on the bed. He was still awake; his hand moved occasionally. "Dean?" Cas said softly, so as to not wake Sam, who was asleep in the hospital bed next to May's.

Dean raised his head, and Cas could see tears on his cheeks, pale from the moonlight. "Dean, what's wrong?" Cas asked and moved closer to him.

Dean just glanced at their daughter, sound asleep in the hospital bed. He looked back at Cas. "I don't want to hunt anymore," he said finally. "I don't want to drag our daughter into this mess of a life. I mean, she hasn't even been with us three months and she's already gotten kidnapped. Now she has appendicitis."

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