Chapter One - Adoption and ASL

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Hello all. It's me. I'm back. Though I've only been gone since Friday.

So, welcome to my new story! *trumpet sounds play in the distance* I sincerely hope you enjoy this. Though I have to admit: this first chapter is a bit of a doozy, which is not something that should happen in the first chapter. I will be updating every Monday.

Image explanation: "nice to meet you" in American Sign Language. It'll make sense.

Warnings: audism (a lil bit)

Feel free to comment your questions, concerns, and of course, your comments.


Castiel's POV
March 31, 12:34 pm

They had talked it over for a year now. Dean Winchester and Castiel wanted to adopt. They had decided that they wanted a girl in her early teens. "No," Dean had protested, "I want a baby. Teenagers are annoying."

"Dean, if we adopt a baby, we're going to have to change it and burp it, and those are just the things I thought of off the top of my head," Castiel said.

Finally, Dean agreed to a teen. Of course they had consulted Sam in their choosing, but he said he was fine with anyone.

Castiel's knee bounced as they drove to the orphanage. Dean noticed, took his hand, and smiled. Castiel smiled back nervously. "What if she doesn't like us?" He blurted.

"Cas, what are you talking about?" Dean asked.

"I mean, what if she's not open to the idea of having two dads? What if after she moves in she wants to leave?"

"Cas, if she's not okay with having two dads, she obviously won't let us adopt her. Don't worry, we'll be fine. We've already done the homestudy and the interviews, so we're good to go."

Castiel nodded. "I suppose you're right," he murmured.

A half hour later, they stopped the Impala outside of an orphanage. Dean turned toward Castiel. "You ready?" He asked.

Castiel pulled his lips into a tight smile and nodded. Dean took his hand and led him into the orphanage. Immediately they were greeted by girls--all between the ages of 10 and 18--hustling about, talking, laughing, horsing around. Some of them stopped and stared at the couple. Castiel self-consciously let go of Dean's hand. Dean cleared his throat and marched to the front desk. The receptionist looked up at them and smiled.

"Hi! How can I help you today?" She said cheerily.

"Hi. We're here to adopt," Dean said. "We have an appointment with Mrs. McCormick."

"Of course. I'll send her right down. Please, take a seat."

Five minutes later, a woman in a pantsuit and heels strolled into the waiting room. "Mr. Winchester. Mr. Novak. It's so nice to see you again," she said, a smile plastered on her face.

Dean and Castiel rose to shake her hand. "Mrs. McCormick, thank you for meeting with us. Really, you've been a huge help through this whole thing," Dean said.

"So, today's the big day. Are you ready?" The social worker asked.

"Yes. Very," Dean said and glanced at Castiel. Castiel just nodded.

"Alright! Do you know if you want a specific hair color or eye color or...?"

"No, no. We don't care what she looks like," Dean said.

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