Chapter Twelve - Oceans and Optimism

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Hello all.

I had my last final exam this morning so IT'S FINALLY SUMMER FOR ME.

Also, a note: starting next week, I will have to update around 4 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock EST because I am going to be a camp counselor and the camp goes until 3. It'll go back to 3 o'clock by the middle of August so don't worry it's not a big deal.

Btw, the picture will make sense.

Warnings: oceans if you have a problem with them I guess

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Castiel's POV
August 21, 4:43 am


After the 21-hour car ride, Cas, Dean, and May had arrived at the hotel they had booked for their vacation in St. Augustine, Florida. Well, May was asleep in the backseat. Cas and Dean were both exhausted. Dean had insisted on driving through the night so they could get there quicker. Sam didn't come with them; he was staying in the Bunker with Eileen.

Dean put the Impala in park and sighed, leaning back in the seat and rubbing his face with his hands. "I am exhausted," he stated.

"Well, it looks like May is, too," Cas said and glanced back at their sleeping daughter.

"Come on, let's hurry up and check in so we can go to bed."

"I'll wake up May."

Cas got out of the car and opened the back door while Dean grabbed the suitcases from the trunk. He shook May's shoulder gently. May rolled over and opened her eyes. Are we there yet? she asked.

Yes. We're at our hotel.

May sat up and hopped out of the car, smoothing back her light brown hair. Cas wrapped an arm around her as she leaned into him, still half asleep.

The receptionist handed Dean the room key, and they headed for the elevator. As soon as Dean unlocked the room, which was on the third floor, May set her bag down, flopped onto a bed, and went right back to sleep

"We can unpack when we wake up," Cas grumbled and got into the other bed.

"Alright," he heard Dean say and felt him weigh down the other side of the bed. An arm wrapped itself around Cas's lower back.

"We're in Florida. Florida has too warm of a climate for us to be this close."

"Then take your shirt off," Dean murmured.


"What? It was a sincere suggestion!"

"You are going to be the death of me, Dean Winchester," Cas mumbled against Dean's lips.

August 21, 10:09 am

Cas groaned and rolled over. He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes to find Dean gazing at him, a faint smile on his lips. "What?" Cas asked. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing." Dean's smile widened.

"Dean, I'm serious." Cas tried to frown, but a smile crept onto his face. "Please tell me why you're smiling."

Dean gently placed his hands on Cas's cheeks. "I'm so happy," he stated, laughing. "Right now, I'm on a vacation with my wonderful husband, and our beautiful daughter is asleep in the bed next to us, and I feel like my life is going perfectly right now, and my brother is happy and has a girlfriend—"

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