Chapter Nineteen - Thanksgiving and Top Secret

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Hello all.

I'm finally done with camp but I have to babysit today and tomorrow but the kids are fine and at least I get paid.

This chapter is pretty trigger-heavy at the beginning just as a fair warning.

Warnings: physical and verbal bullying

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Catherine's POV
November 21, 7:24 am

Catherine and Thomas walked down the halls of school to their first class. "So I said, 'Well, Ms. Amell, I can't dissect a baby pig, I'll get sick.' And she said, 'Then get your partner to do it.' And May is my partner—"

"Really? I'm shocked," Catherine cut him off. All he did nowadays was talk about May.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You like her."

"Yeah, I do." Thomas's cheeks started to go red.

"No, you like-like her."

Thomas sputtered. "I-I do not. We're just friends. We're all just friends."

"Tommy, all you do is talk about her, except for when she's around, and you two little geeks talk about geek stuff."

"First of all, don't call me 'Tommy'. Second of all, we don't always talk about 'geek stuff'."

"Really? Then tell me, when's her birthday?"

"June fifth. See? We don't always talk geek."

"You should ask her out."

"No, I can't."

"Why not? I think she likes you as much as you like her."

"That's probably not true. Besides, eventually my parents are going to want to meet her and her parents, and..."

"Oh. I forgot about that. That still doesn't mean you can't date her. Just lie about her parents. Say she has a mom and a dad."

"It's not just that. I told my parents about her the first day she was here, and you want to know what they said? They said it was the 21st century, and every deaf child should be fitted for hearing aids and cochlear implants if they can. I told them May didn't want that, but they just went on this tirade of how they think the world would be easier if deaf people could take the options to help them hear."

"It's your life, Thomas," Catherine said seriously. "You can't let your parents beliefs get in the way of your feelings for this girl."

Catherine and Thomas stopped at the sight of the school bully, Jake, walking toward them. "Well, if it isn't the weirdo crew."

"Stop calling us that," Catherine snarled. "Why is it such a big deal to you that I'm biracial? Or that Thomas is smart?"

Ignoring her questions, Jake turned to Thomas. "Where's your girlfriend, huh? The deaf one?"

"She's not my girlfriend, Jake."

"Where's your terrorist friend?"

Finding MayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora