Chapter Thirty-Six - Sleepless and Scared

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Hello all.

So the surprise was a one shot book for my other story, which is a lot popular than this one lol. It will be updated every Thursday 3 pm EST.

Warnings: suicidal thoughts, dark thoughts in general.

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Sam's POV
February 8, 12:43 am

Sam sighed as he collapsed into May's desk chair. Tonight was his night to watch over May while she was sleeping. Both Dean and Cas insisted that someone watch over her while she slept in case she had a nightmare or something like that.

Not that Sam believed it was a bad idea. May hadn't gotten back to her usual self yet, but who would be so soon, after being held captive and tortured for three weeks? May had been doing... okay. She could sit up by herself, but couldn't walk quite yet. She couldn't eat a lot, since she had been starved the whole time she'd been there. But she was still off. Sure, she would smile and laugh, but she had this look in her eyes. The type of look that soldiers had when they came back from war. A fifteen-year-old shouldn't have that look in their eyes. Dean and Cas refused to ask her any type of question about her time in captivity. They hadn't even told her Sam and Eileen were getting married. They didn't want to overwhelm her, always tiptoeing around her.

And Sam felt awful for May. There was no other way to feel but awful for her.

Sam was brought back from his thoughts as May's arm moved in her sleep. She hadn't done anything the past four nights, so Sam wasn't worried.

He wasn't worried until May started shivering. He frowned and pulled the covers back up to her shoulders, since she had somehow kicked them down past her elbows. She stopped, and Sam sat back down.

And then she started shivering again, harder this time. He grabbed a spare blanket and draped it over her, but she kept shivering. He was about to wake her up when she bolted upright, eyes wide. Sam took a few steps back. May was breathing heavily, clearly panicked, still shivering. May? Sam signed gently. Are you okay?

May seemed to notice Sam sitting there, because she looked at him, and seemed to calm down a little. I'm fine, she signed. I'm just cold. It was cold there.

Sam's heart broke. Do you want me to go get Dad and Papa?

Her eyes widened again. No, she signed quickly. I'm fine.

Sam nodded. May's captors had looked like Dean and Cas, and he imagined she was still apprehensive about them being around her 24/7. I'll be right back, okay? Are you going to be okay here by yourself?

May paused, then nodded.

Sam stood and exited his niece's bedroom quietly, heading for the kitchen. He returned three minutes later with a mug of hot chocolate for May. She took it gingerly from him, taking a few sips before setting it down in her lap. Thank you.

You're welcome, Shortie. Sam grabbed another blanket and draped it around her shoulders; she pulled it tightly around her. Are you okay?

May just nodded.

Do you want to talk?

May nodded again. She handed the mug to Sam, who set it on her desk. It was so cold, she began. Nighttime was the worst. It was so cold and so dark and I always felt like the walls were closing in on me. Then I would have panic attacks and I couldn't calm down.

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