This was all Ginny had been told about it, she hadn't been told any of the gory details, but then she didn't think anybody really knew all of the details apart from Harry. No one really knew how Cedric Diggory had tragically lost his life that evening. 

"Ginny, Mum's calling you." Ron stuck his head around their bedroom door.

"Ok, I'm coming down now." Ginny rolled her eyes. If Molly Weasley was calling for her she probably wanted something doing. 

Ever since the Weasley's had set up camp at Grimmauld Place, Mrs Weasley had made it her mission to deep clean the entire house. It hadn't been lived in for many years so it was extremely dusty and random parts of the house had horrendous stenches. Ginny, her brothers and other members of the Order of the Phoenix had been roped into doing some sort of cleaning or curse breaking. 

Ginny slowly made her way down to the kitchen and came to a standstill beside her mother, who was stood chopping carrots at the kitchen counter. 

"What can I help with?" Ginny asked. 

"Oh Ginny dear, would you help me with dinner please? Harry will be here soon and no doubt those Dursley's have been under feeding the poor boy again. I have a lot of people to cook for and to make things worse there's an order meeting tonight as well!" Mrs Weasley cried, passing Ginny a potato peeler. 

"Of course. What time does Harry get here?" 

"I'm not sure actually." Her mother replied, looking even more stressed out than she did before. 

"I think Mad Eye said they'd be here around nine o'clock Molly." Sirius Black stepped into the kitchen and helped himself to a glass of water.

Sirius Black was the owner of the house by default as both of his parent's and his brother had passed away. Sirius had a complicated story as he had been in Azkaban wizard prison for many years before he escaped a little over two years ago. He had since proven himself miss charged of the crime he was sent to Azkaban for and had been hiding away from the Ministry of Magic ever since. Harry, Hermione and Ron had helped prove he was not guilty of the crime to Professor Dumbledore and the rest of the order. He was also an active member of the Order of the Phoenix and had been helping out whilst remaining hidden whilst also keeping an eye on Harry, who was his godson. 

"Thank you Sirius, at least one of us was listening!" She exclaimed. 

After Ginny had finished helping her mother in the kitchen, she made her way back up to her room passing Kreacher the miserable house elf on the way. Sirius had explained that Kreacher had always been miserable and was still loyal to the Black family who had very much believed that muggleborn's didn't belong in the wizarding world along with 'blood traitors' who were pure blood wizards who disgraced the name of magic according to those who apparently still lived in the dark ages. 

Hermione was sat on her bed reading a book which actually looked quite tame for Hermione's standards. She was known for how clever she was and to the extent in which she enjoyed reading books, especially factual books. For once, this book looked like it could be a fiction book. 

"Good book?" Ginny asked as she climbed up on to the windowsill again. 

"Yes it's great, it's a muggle book that my mum leant me, it's about boy kind, mum said it would help me understand them more." Hermione shrugged.

"That doesn't sound like your typical type of book Hermione." Ginny looked down at her with an amused look on her face. A book about understanding boys?! What next?!

"No it's not, i'm not sure what my opinion is about it to be honest." Hermione told her, placing down the book on her nightstand.

"I don't think we'll ever understand men Hermione, just like they won't ever understand us." She laughed, bringing her knee's up to her chest to get into a comfortable position. 

"Now that I definitely agree with." Hermione laughed in response. 

Ginny sighed and smiled at the children playing on the swings in the park across the road. It felt strange to be watching people that couldn't even see the house, never mind herself. The house was concealed between house numbers 11 and 13 and it was charmed so that no muggles could see it or know it was there. To muggles, there wasn't a number 12 Grimmauld Place.

She watched as the children left the park and ran down the street following after their parent's. It would soon be nightfall and Grimmauld Place always seemed like such a terrifying place in the evening. It reminded Ginny of the horrors that were hiding out in unknown places in the world. It was actually quite scary to think about. 

"Hermione! Harry's here!" Ron burst into the room, an already terrified look on his face. He had every reason to be, Harry had quite a temper at times. 

"I'm coming!" Hermione jumped up and shot from the room, following Ron down the corridor. 

The house fell silent for about ten minutes until Harry's voice boomed across the floor of bedrooms. They always knew he would be mad so it was just like riding out the storm.

It was going to be one interesting night. 


Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now