Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

I felt a surge of rage rush through me, before I knew what was happening, I grabbed Anthony's ankle and yanked his legs out from under him. The minute he hit the ground, I lunged on top of him.

"GO TO HELL YOU F*CKING BRAT!" I yelled out a long string of insults, grabbing the boy's hair in one hand and punching him with the other.

I could hear Phil yelling at me at stop, but I ignored him. I was practically blind with rage as I swung my fists down, repeatedly punching the him in the face. I made the mistake of slowing down for a minute, and Anthony somehow managed to sit up and push me back, so our positions were flipped. He grabbed me by my collar and swung his fist down. A burning pain shot down the side of my face as his fist connected with my cheek again and again.

I tried my best to shove him off of me, but my attempts were useless as he had the better leverage. Suddenly, He was lifted off of me. I opened my not swollen eye as much as I could, watching with shock as Phil pushed Anthony against the locker and kneed him in the stomach. The minute he hit the floor, Phil rushed of to me.

"Dan?!" Phil looked down at me with concern, brushing his fingers lightly over the bruising on my face.

"Hey, everyone move!" I could hear yelling as several teachers broke through the crowd.

One of them, Mr. Artson I think, immediately rushed over to Phil and I. He yelled something at Phil I couldn't understand, pointing down the hall. Phil nodded fearfully, then got up. He cast me an anxious look before walking in the direction the teacher had motioned.

"Get up!" Mr. Artson grabbed my arm and yanked me to my knees, showing no concern for whether or not I was in any pain. "Office, now!" He barked.

I nodded, trying to stand up. Anthony was in a similar situation, he had his arm gripped tightly by the history teacher and was hobbling down the hall. My heart was beating loudly in my ears as I walked to the office, a firm grip still on my bicep.

Phil's POV

I sat nervously outside the office door, trying to peer through the small window in the door. I had been dismissed with no consequences pretty quickly once the administrators had realized I acted solely out of self defense. Dan on the other hand, he wasn't as innocent. Anthony might have provoked him, but he didn't swing the first punch. The headmaster was now trying to decide who should be charged with the most responsibility for the fight.

My fingers drummed anxiously on my thigh, adrenaline still rushing though me. Mrs. Howell had been called in from work to talk to the headmaster and take us both home if needed. I dreaded that I would have to talk to her as she entered the office. I hope she didn't think anything bad of me, she was so kind....

As if on cue, she walked through the door, her eyes immediately landing on me.

"Phil!" She rushed over to me. "What happened?"

"A-Anthony started it all, I swear! Please don't be mad at Dan, he was trying to defend me and—"

"Phil, it's okay honey. Let me go talk to the headmaster," She gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder and walked into the office.


I sat nervously for what was probably another half hour until Anthony, Anthony's Mum, Dan, Mr. Howell, and the headmaster walked out of the office.

"Come on Phil, we're going home for today," Mrs. Howell said tensely. She looked tired. Dan cast me a slight smile. He had some pretty bad bruises on the side of his face and a purple circle was beginning to form around his eye. I felt really bad for him, but my mood improved when I saw the dried blood trail coming out of Anthony's nose.

"What happened?" I muttered as we walked outside.

"They decided that Anthony started it since the footage from the hall cameras showed him shoving me. We both have detention for two weeks, but he is getting suspended until next Monday!"

I sighed with relief, no Anthony for the rest of the week!

"Of course, mum is mad I got in a fight..." Dan muttered lowly, glancing at Mrs. Howell who was a few feet ahead of us. "I don't think she'll do much as a punishment, though. I figure she thinks my injuries are enough." Dan motioned to his face.

I nodded understandingly as I got in the car next to Dan.

The ride home was extremely tense, and it was hard to concentrate on anything other than the angry sighs that Dan's Mum would make every few minutes. I'm sure she would have been chewing him out had I not been there.


When we finally arrived home, Dan and I wasted no time hurrying upstairs.

"Let's go to my room," Dan muttered, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him.

I followed Dan into his bedroom, mimicking his motions and taking a seat on the bed facing him.

Dan and I sat wordless for a few minutes, not knowing what to say. I finally spoke up.

"Thanks for um, you know..."


"No, I mean really," I began. "It means a lot that you'd do that so get him to stop."

Dan shrugged. "He had it coming."

We fell into another uncomfortable silence.

It was so frustrating; there was so much I wanted to say, I just couldn't put in to words. After a few minutes of sitting anxiously, I decided to bring up something that had been on my mind for a while.



"Are...Are we dating?"

Dan looked up, meeting my eyes. He was silent for a moment before he finally spoke, "Are you okay with that?"

I bit my lip shyly, giving him a small nod.

"Then I guess we're boyfriends," Dan said breathlessly.

I looked up, the word startling me. We held each other's gaze for a moment before both quickly leaning in, connecting our lips.

The kiss was slower and more caring than the rest had been. I ran my hand's through Dan's hair, curling the soft strands around my fingers. Dan wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him. I was sure to be gentle with him, trying not to brush against any of his bruises as I lightly cupped his face in my hand.

It was amazing how much we had changed since we had first met. I thought back on the school girl crush that I used to have on Dan. I went from staring at I'm from across the classroom to actually being able to call him my boyfriend... That's pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

I smiled against Dan's lips, pulling him closer.

We finally leaned backed, resting our foreheads against each other's.

"Why were you smiling so much?" Dan giggled, looking into my eyes.

"I was thinking about you." I muttered sheepishly.

Dan laughed, intertwining our hands. "Phil?"


"I love you."

I grinned, leaning forward and planting another soft kiss to his lips. "I love you too."

A/N: I might actually be excited for Christmas this year!

Also, who watches Yuri on Ice???

Its 3:30 am, why am I still awake pls help

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