Victor sighed deeply and stepped back, crossing his arms in front of his chest when the elf stepped closer towards me. Blake growled softly as I pushed him back, keeping one arm over Noah protectively, though I didn’t back down.

Lorain observed me closely, seemingly looking for answers as his sky-blue eyes slid over my body before glancing at the kids behind me. “They asked us to warn them if we found you, you know?” he said suddenly.

My hands tightened into fists as I did step back this time, feeling my eyes glow more brightly as anger combined with adrenaline pulsed through my veins. Both the men shivered slightly and Victor raised an impeccable eyebrow as he breathed out, following the small cloud he exhaled with his eyes.

“Did you-“

“He’s not from this realm.” Lorain interrupted him, staring at me with shock, wonder and…excitement? I frowned slightly, hearing the unnatural voices in my head whisper softly as the blue light appeared again, flying past us while its twin shadow stayed behind the elf and vampire.

Directly in front of the city and the forest that laid beyond. My eyes widened slightly before I nudged Blake, pushing him back further before I glared at the elf in front of me. he simply smiled before stepping back.

“We’ve found them and the pack already knows he made it out of the city. They never said we had to capture and bring the hybrid back to them.” He stated, making the vampire snap his head to his partner in shock.

Though I was still very hesitant, I knew what this meant; Lorain gave us a chance, though very small, to get out of here and remain free. I inclined my head the slightest bit before I backed off, my pace growing faster and faster until the vampire called out again.

“Dhampirs grow more rapidly than human newborns, just so you know. They’re still as weak as a human babe, so be careful!” he shouted, pulling a soft smile on the corner of my lip as I turned and clutched Noah tighter to my chest.

“Where to?” Blake asked, hoisting Lyra on his back while I tied Noah safely to my chest. Full out running was out of the question but I hoped we could be faster if he wasn’t bouncing around when I jogged.

“Away from the forest and the city. I don’t know what’s worse, getting caught by demons or wolves but either way, it’ll be the end of us.” I stated before starting for the horizon, where a single tree swayed slightly in the wind.


Blake tripped, falling down in a cloud of kicked up sand and dust before huffing as he pushed himself up again, with a lot of effort. I breathed in deeply, looking back while crouching down so Lyra could slide of my back.

We’ve been running for hours now, managing to escape the demons before they abandoned their chase when we managed to put enough distance between us and the city.

The wolves, however, were slowly tracking us down. I sighed as Blake rubbed his hands over his face, unconsciously spreading the grime all over before Lyra huffed as she dropped beside him, eyes drooping and yawning profoundly.

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