I couldn't help but laugh when we got into the cabin and saw Matt curled up in bed, an exact mirror image of how Rachel was right now. His face was tear stained. They were both a pair of soppy bastards, they definitely needed each other, but I think some time apart would do them good so they could really appreciate what they had together.

He even had a film on to help him get through the sulking. I looked at the TV, he was watching Iron Man.

"What brings you ladies here on this rainy afternoon?" Ryan quizzed us both after shutting the door behind us.

I couldn't help but notice that Oscar wasn't there but I didn't question his lack of presence. Katie didn't seem to be bothered about it either. 

"I'm here to speak to him." Katie pointed at Matt. "I don't know why Laura is here, guess she can't stay away from you Ryan." She winked at me. I just elbowed her in the side and ignored her comment. Cheeky little shit.
"I'm here to speak to Matt too!" I protested.

"I see how it is." Ryan moaned and pretended to sulk. He did that on purpose because he knew it would get the right reaction from me. With a humorous sigh, I sat down with Ryan on his bed. He pulled me closer to him and slung his arm over my shoulder, like it was something he did every day. I still couldn't get used to his affection though. Every look made me blush and every touch sent tingles over my skin.

"Much better." Ryan spoke victoriously and kissed my cheek. He seemed happier today, maybe he just needed to be distracted from all the bad stuff.
"Someone's cheerful today." I commented, leaning into his side.
"How could I not be when you are around." He chirped back at me.

"Oi, love birds, are you going to pay attention to this conversation?" Katie turned back to look at us, amusement in her tone.

"Yes miss!" Ryan saluted to her and then laughed, but kept his other arm around me.

"Good." She turned back to Matt who looked so sorry for himself. "Tell us your side of the story."

"I had been being a bit off with her for the past few days, I was going to explain it to her, but she beat me to it and confronted me. She took it all the wrong way, I just think we've rushed things."

"Called it!" I spoke up and Katie rolled her eyes at me.

"Smarty pants over there thought that too." Katie pointed back towards me. "She explained it to Rachel and she's upset but she's fine. You both need time to think and appreciate each other before rushing things even more. She doesn't hate you so stop moping around."

Matt looked at us all with a weak smile. "I'm so glad it wasn't just me who thought it, thank you for helping to sort it out though."

"Not a problem, can't be having you two causing a rift in the group now can we!"

"Exactly, and now dinner is calling me name, Laura you coming?" Katie got up and was half way out of the door.
"Yep, right behind you." I went to get up but I was tugged back by Ryan who was now staring at me. "No goodbye for me?" He put on his best puppy dog eyes before slamming his lips onto mine, giving me one hell of a kiss. He needed to stop doing this to me, it was torture, but at the same time it was beyond amazing.

He finally broke the kiss, leaving me breathless. "More where that came from." He said half cheekily and half seductively.
"Hilarious, Ryan. I'll speak to you later." I eventually got him to let go of me and I left the cabin after sticking my tongue out at him.


"How are you and him not together yet?" Katie asked me as we shuffled along in the queue for dinner.
"Not sure really, we basically act like it, I think he's worried about it but won't admit it." I replied with a shrug as I collected a small plate of chips and nuggets.

"Commitment issues?"
"I don't know, I don't want to press him for answers. He's never had a proper relationship before, he won't want to screw anything up." Katie grabbed two plates of food. I got confused and then remembered we were taking food back to Rachel.

"Fair enough, I can't wait for the day you end up together." Katie grinned at me as we grabbed some cutlery and drinks.

"Enough about me and Ryan, you've been a bit quiet about Oscar, where is he anyway?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Her face fell a little.

"I haven't seen much of him, we haven't fallen out though, he's just not been around. I'm not going to let it bother me." I stopped her in her tracks, holding her arm.
"It is bothering you Katie. Tell me what's going on!" She set the plates down on a nearby table. The dinner hall was quiet at the moment. Katie slumped down onto a chair.

"I don't know." A tear fell down her face. "We haven't been together long. I'm worried he has found someone else who makes him happier."
"I'll go speak to him then." I commented, edging towards the door.
"No!" She pleaded me with watery eyes. "Please don't."
I didn't know what to do. Her and Oscar seemed fine the other day. First Rachel and Matt, now Katie and Oscar. Now I knew that Ryan was doing the right thing by waiting a bit longer before making things official.

I took Katie and our food back to our cabin. Katie bawled her eyes out, starting Rachel off again too. I'm glad they were letting their emotions run free. I on the other hand, was just the ears in the situation, letting them vent about all their problems while I tucked into my food.

I still wanted to work out where Oscar was and what he was playing at. I made that my mission for the rest of the evening.

Leaving Rachel and Katie to watch some soppy teen film after they finally finished crying and ate something, I took the plates back to the camp kitchen. On my way, back I went to cabin twenty-six instead of cabin twenty-four. I didn't even bother to knock either.

Closing the door behind me, I was greeted by two familiar faces. The third was staring at the floor with his head in his hands. Oscar looked a mess.
"Well, that answers my questions. Guess I'll be going." I turned back towards the door.
"Wait." Ryan stood up from sitting next to Oscar and was frowning at me. "What questions?"

I couldn't escape this now. Reluctantly, I sat down on Ryan's bed and faced the three boys.
"To put it lightly, I have two emotional best friends sat in that cabin" I pointed towards where my cabin was. "and I can understand one situation, but the other, I'm about to understand." I said, implying that I wanted to know what was going on with Oscar.

"Fine." Matt gave in to my comments. "Oscar has been to hospital." I knew by the look on their faces that the result of this conversation would not be positive.

"I've got Leukaemia." Oscar looked up at me, he was broken.

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