Necessary Precautions

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As we slowed down in front of the one we were staying in, Blue burst into laughter. We both turned around and looked at her. "Funny... Looking... Guy!" She squeezed between laughs and gasps for air. Oh just another ghost. Probably the one of the hunter who died here a few centuries ago. We stopped. "We have to walk the rest of the way. I needed to take the necessary precautions, okay?" I explained. We walked there. There was a tiny little building with a locked door in front of us. "It's THIS small?" Ash asked. "You'll see." I replied and unlocked the door. The girl at the desk nodded at us, opened the door to the desk, and let us go down the hidden trap door. We were told there were only two rooms open, and, as expected, Blur called one to herself. As we walked to our rooms, Blue whispered "My ship is sailing..." "Just taking 'necessary precautions.'" She said. I rolled my eyes. Blue got her room first, one of the guest rooms. Ash and I got my room that I had custom made. I was feeling a mixture of embarrassment, butterflies in my stomach, and the want to scream.

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