Hide and Seek

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*Ash's point of view*
Why did Lileth make me do this stuff?! I knew it wouldn't end well, but I still did. Just to make her happy. I looked at the clock. It had finally been an hour! Hopefully that would make her happy. I started walking back. Well, at least Blue was with her. I know she can take care of herself, but it's my job to worry, right? I thought of a good enough story to tell her: I had gone to the dojo, made a friend, went to the gym with him, and then he had to go home to another country! In all reality, I did both of those things, but alone. I was back at the place. Blue was frantically running around as if she was looking for something. "Are you looking for something?" I asked. "Yeah, Lileth!" She replied. "What. Do. You. Mean?" I questioned, my voice becoming deathly serious. "I don't know where she is! I knocked on your door and I didn't get a reply! She ALWAYS replies!" She cried. "I have a key. Come on." I commanded, walking towards our room. There was some red stuff on the ground. Jade -I think- probably dropped a pomegranate. I unlocked the door. There was nothing in there! "Over here." Blue shakily said. She was standing over a note that read 'Help *scribble* kidnapped'. I immediately knew what to do. The red stuff was blood, and we were to follow it. We did, leading to a back door, leading to a hole with another note that said 'lol jk good try tho'. We followed it more then it stopped. This is hide and seek. I HATE hide and seek. "I'll try to see if there are any ghosts around her. If I concentrate hard enough, I can see out of their eyes." I nodded. She rubbed her eyes. About 5 minutes later, her eyes widened, she fell backwards, and screamed.

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