On the Road Again

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Ash put his hand on my knee, snapping me back to reality. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah." I lied. I looked at him and he looked worried. "I can tell when something's up. What is it?" He questioned. "Well, I intend on dropping them off at one of my safe houses. I've had dreams that they'd get hurt if I didn't." I answered. Blue's eyes snapped open. "I'm coming with you!" She said. "Fine." I replied. "We're going to a different one. But there are only two rooms open..." I trailed. "SHIP! I call one of them all to myself!" She yelled, causing my face to turn beet red by blushing. Even Ash blushed a bit, which I thought was cute. The others all woke up. I told them the plan and they reluctantly agreed. We got there, said our goodbyes, and drove away.

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