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I looked out the window and saw a black Corvette, belonging to Alec and Minx, pulling into the driveway. "Claire and Max, out the window in the 1/2 bathroom, Kate, John, Sophie, Kitchen window, Ash, we're going out the bedroom. Everybody got it? Meet under my window. Go!" I commanded. Everyone ran to their areas. I saw the whole gang, Alec, Minx, Jermino, Antonio, and Miranda exit the vehicle. I knew Leona was safe, so I didn't really worry about her. I hopped out the window, Ash behind me. We hid behind a bush and waited. Claire and Max ran over. I hugged Claire. "Thank goodness you're okay!" I whispered. A few minutes later, I got tired of waiting. "I'm going after the others. You guys stay here in case we need to run. Wish me luck!" I said and bolted off, leaving no room for further discussion. I saw Sophie, Kate, and John struggling to get away from Miranda. Before I could get over there, John shoved Kate and Sophie away, said "Bye" and faced Miranda. He held her off long enough for an escape, but in the end, it cost him his life. We ran out of there, with Sophie bawling her eyes out and Kate and Claire and I even shedding a few tears. We ran for what seemed like hours, and came across a slightly familiar place to me. That recently abandoned school that everybody thought blew up!

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