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"Welcome to the Witch Dimension, a place of winter and death!" I sarcastically exclaimed. It was currently night, the thick kind where we could hardly see each other. I made a light ball appear so we could see. I was freezing, as was Blue. Ash wasn't. I could tell so I wrapped my arms around his and held on tightly, trying to share his warmth. "Cold are we?" He asked, smiling down at me. I nodded. I had forgotten how cold it was here! "O-o-okay... F-follow me..." I squeezed through chattering teeth. I walked, pulling Ash along with me, Blue not far behind us. Finally, we walked up to a solitary house, just outside of a village. I knocked on the door, motioning Ash and Blue to stay behind me. A young man slightly opened the door and peeked out from the crack. "Password?" He questioned. "Level 20 Magikarp." I whispered. "Gyrados gets revenge." He answered, opening the door. "I brought a few people with me... Friend, not foe," I carefully introduced, "Ash, Blue this is Kenris. Kenris, this is Ash and Blue." We walked in further and introduced Ash and Blue to Kendor and Lily. Kenris and Kendor are brothers, with Kenris younger than Kendor and I and Kendor older. Lily was a young girl, younger than all of us. "Welcome to my clan." I stated. (Please go to the chapter called Acceptance)

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