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We got to the room, or rather, apartment we were staying in. It had 3 bedrooms, a living room, a mini kitchen/ dining room, 1 1/2 bathrooms, and a study. Kate and Sophie stayed in 1 room, Claire and Max in another, and Ash and I in the last. John slept on the ceiling of the room as always. Everyone went to their respective areas, and Ash and I started talking. "Well, there goes any chance of me having a normal life." He laughed. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." I smiled. "So, what would you do if I hadn't come along and talked to you?" He asked. "Um... A lot worse things than I've even let you see a snippit of..." I answered, looking at the floor. "I'm glad I did, then." He smiled. "Hey- um- this is gonna come off really weird, but have you ever used a sword?" I asked. "That was kinda sudden, but, no. I'd probably end up making an Ash Salad." He laughed. "Well, then, salad will be made... I'm gonna teach you how. Just in case. I know what this is going to come to. If I end up, you know, biting the dust, I want you to be able to protect yourself." I said. "You mean you might DIE. Like, end of you forever, die?!?!" He questioned. "Yes, yes I do. If I do you will NEED to protect yourself and carry on if I do. Even if I'm not there by your side." I answered. "Fine, I'll do it. Just so I can try my hardest for that not to happen." He stated. "Okay, then." I smiled.

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