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I went back inside of the house. I had changed back into my human-er form. I ran upstairs. Belle was on the bed bleeding profusely, Ash beside her with a first aid kit in his hands. "What do you intend on doing with that? Put a band aid over a huge gash and expect a miracle?!?!" I yelled and immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry, just please go downstairs. I'm gonna try to heal her. Actually, pack some things, we're going on a little trip to visit some old 'friends' of mine." I ordered. I started to heal her. 20 minutes of tedious, painful, hard work later, Belle was completely healed. I was tired. I went to see how Ash was doing. He had packed the basics necessities and some extra snacks. "Good. Please load the truck with the stuff. I'll go get Belle." We loaded up the truck and set off, me at the wheel. We took Belle back to her house, and continued on to the house of my friends. "Use your manners, don't speak unless spoken to, let me do the talking unless you're told otherwise, and PLEASE, be careful. Don't say anything about their appearances, don't laugh at them or comment about them, and DO NOT be a smart Alec or try to pull ANYTHING along those lines. Lastly, be on yours I constant guard." I briefed, as we parked outside of the little white cottage of my friends. I knocked the code on the door and a little girl with bright blue hair whom was part cat, answered the door. The minute she noticed it was me, she tackled me in a hug. "Yes hi Sophie. Your kinda killing me here!" I yelled. "Oh sorry! Come in! Come in! We missed you!!!" She piped and ran inside.

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