The Final Day

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When back at home, we did what we always did before a battle, act like it's our last day. It could be so we make the most of it. "Everybody pick an activity to do, okay?" I said. "I'm going first!" Lily yelled. "Okay, what do you want to do?" "Let's have a gaming contest! Call of Duty, last one to die wins!" She happily exclaimed. "What are you letting her play?" I whispered to Kendor. "I think she raided my room." He replied. I shook my head and smiled. Kenris went next, forcing us to watch a science documentary about penguins, with Kendor we did a ton of stunts at the park, next came Blue, when we played hide and seek, Ash, where we went to Skyzone and had fun, on Jeremy's turn we had a pie eating contest, yes we gave him a turn. He was on our side. Then me, when we played one of my favorite game, Laser Tag! After that, we were all tired, so we went to our rooms. Jeremy was in the Guest Room, and Blue was with Kenris. Ash and I started off the night with an anime marathon. After that, we did a little gaming, laughed so much, and then eventually cuddled until we fell asleep. I woke up cuddling a pillow and a smell of food beside me. Breakfast in bed. That was the best pre-battle fun day I had ever had.

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