Don't Bite?

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After hours of tedious question and answers, we were all tired. Max had almost gotten up from his seat about every time anything about my relationship was mentioned. Every time, his fists started balling up tighter and tighter. By the end of the conversation, his palms were dripping blood because he had dug his claws into them so deeply. He snarled and growled about 20 times. Finally John saved the day by stating "I'm sssure we're all very tired and need sssome well dessserved ressst." Ash and I got the guest room, and everyone went to their respective rooms. Once the door was locked and Kate had walked away from it, Ash immediately asked "What the heck?!?! A terrifying were-eagle, an overly energetic were-cat, a witch I'd presume, a dark, mysterious were-lizard, and a were-wolf that wants to kill me?!?! I don't even know why either!" "I warned you about their appearances. Along with the were-wolf wanting to kill you, Max literally brought me here because he didn't have a mate and was desperate for one. He has, therefore, when this new dude walks in as my boyfriend, he was- uuh- upset. Weres all have very short, weak tempers, like witches, which can be easily diminished depending on what the victim does." I explained. "Oh." Ash said, shrinking toward the bed. He got in, then I got in beside him. "Night." I said and and turned to face opposite of him. Eventually, I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I felt the bed lose some pressure. He probably had to go to the bathroom. Then I heard a growl, a yell, and a meaty thud, more yells, and then I got up. I went in to the main room and found Max, fully transformed into a wolf on top of Ash, biting and scratching at him, and Ash sluggishly dodging.

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