16. New York Times Part 1

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New York Times Part 1


Jasmine shrugged on a light jacket, knowing the cold air would get to her once they were up there. She could barely wrap her mind around it. Her stomach was doing flips just thinking about it. Just thinking, and knowing, that he was coming. Just the mere thought that the two she had enjoyed so much with, so long ago, were coming to see her.

She wasn't ready in the least bit to see the two of them. She had thought she had left them behind when Shane had moved her to New York. This was her new life, and they were not supposed to be apart of it. In any way. But hopefully, tonight would cut them out of it completely.

She had one shot. This would be her one chance to get it right. The world was giving her only one opportunity to put her life on the correct track. Pretty much the entire thing was laying on her shoulders. If she said even one wrong word, everything would fall apart. And it would be all her fault.

"Are you ready, my flower?" Shane asked as he strolled inside, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he paused at her door. Jasmine nodded warily, turning to see just how nervous Shane looked as well. His face showed no emotion, but she could tell from the small movements that he was freaking out inside. Just like she was.

Forget about what she had to lose, Shane was the one that could lose it all. There was a huge chance Shane would be completely rid of his freedom. He would miss out on everything the world had to offer during whatever time in prison they gave him. There was no way he was just losing her, he would be losing his life as he knew it. Now she really couldn't mess up. Not with Shane on the line.

"It'll be okay." Jasmine whispered, finding it hard to speak as she could feel her throat burning with the oncoming tears. She could feel her body begin to shake as she fluttered her eyes open and close to hold back the tears. He couldn't see her this way. He couldn't see her crying at the simple thought of losing him. Shane shook his head as he made his way forward, placing one hand on her hip and another on her necklace. He let his fingertips brush over the object as he looked deep into her eyes.

"I know it will, my flower." He whispered back surely. "No matter which way this plays out, you'll be safe. That's all I could ask for." Shane nodded along with his words, watching as Jasmine swiftly shook her head. Her safety wasn't the only thing he should be worried about.

"But it won't be okay if they take you away." Jasmine quietly cried, letting her gaze fall to her feet as small tears fell down her face. "I'll be losing you. Maybe I won't be okay." Shane sighed, lifting her head back up to look at him before he brushed away her tears.

"My flower," he started, "all that I want, all that I've ever wanted, is for you to be safe. If I can have that, my life will be complete. Maybe you won't be with me, but no one, and I mean no one, will be able to hurt you." Jasmine nodded, sucking back her sobs as she tried to stay strong. She needed to, not only for Shane, but for herself.

"That's all you want?" Jasmine whimpered quietly, trying to pull herself together. Shane nodded, a small smile playing out on his face at watching her.

"It is." He whispered dearly to her. His eyes softened as he watched Jasmine nod once more, finally making it clear in her own mind that whichever way this went, everything would be okay.

It was time to face the one day they both had been dreading.

"Let's go." She breathed, bringing a small smile to Shane's face.

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