13. The Aftermath

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The Aftermath


Kim tapped her foot lightly against the ground, never daring to look over at her partner in crime. Not even for a second. If she did, she wouldn't be able to stop talking. Which, ironically, was the one thing they hadn't done since last night.

He had left her, left her alone in that small, disgusting hotel room, by herself for over two hours. Only then did he return, muttering something about needing a shower before shuffling off into the bathroom and flipping on the water. Those were the last words spoken between the two. Of course Kim had taken into the fact that Ricky was covered in blood. She wasn't half surprised that he had wanted to help, but it still hurt her deep that he hadn't wanted to help her.

She had been the one to lose Eddie. He hadn't even thought twice before kissing her and then running out of the room. Kim understood his embarrassment, or even resentment that she didn't return his feelings, but still. She needed him now more than ever.

Kim had been strong for him. Too strong, for too long. Yeah, maybe she had cried once or twice, but that was always when she was with Ricky. When he himself was shedding a tear as well. She had been there for him through this whole thing, even when she had lost one of her best friends as well. Jasmine wasn't only Ricky's girlfriend. She was Kim, Delia, and Garrett's best friend, too. It's not like they didn't love her. Given it may not be in the same way, but still.

"This is your captain speaking, I'd like to remind you to fasten your seat belts, we're about to land. I hope you've had a nice flight." The captain spoke into the intercom. Kim huffed out a breath as she clicked her seat belt into place, barely glancing over to watch as Ricky did the same. He had been glued to that tablet since the second they had gotten on for the flight.

She was probably getting herself worked up over nothing. Especially when there was something real that she should be getting worked up about. She had found one of her best friends dead last night. And all of this was behind none other than Shane Mason. She understood that he was trying to prove a point, but killing someone? And Eddie of all people? He couldn't hurt a fly.

The guilt had been piling onto her for almost seventeen hours now, and it wasn't helping that she hadn't gotten any sleep last night. She couldn't sleep last night. Not with breaking up with Jack, Ricky kissing her and then getting mad at her too, and worst of all, finding Eddie dead. Plus, they still had to find Jasmine. All of this was her fault, there was no getting around that. She was the one who pulled Eddie, and Jasmine into this sick, twisted mess. Without her, they would both be fine. There was no way she was going to let Shane get away with this.

Kim strapped her hands onto either arm rest as the plane began to descend. She hated going up and going down in planes. The ride was fine, but the start and the finish, sucked. Luckily for them, the plane hit the ground soundly, rolling until it came to a slow stop at the airport itself.

Kim clued out the words of the captain as the sounds of people struggling to get out overtook her ears. She turned to watch as people pulled their bags down from the overhead carriers, pushing each other out the way as though each and every one of them had somewhere more important to be.

Kim spun around to watch as Ricky locked the tablet, flipping the cover over it and shoving it deep into his bag. She felt her face scrunch up as she noticed a long scar along the outer side of his right arm as he zipped up his bag.

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