4. Soul Taking and Soul Breaking

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Soul Taking and Soul Breaking


Kim shook her head, pushing her hair back behind her ears as she looked over the information once again.

Jasmine Kang

Kidnapped by suspect Shane Mason

Is being held captive at an unknown location

Last known location: Chicago International Airport

Last Possible Location: Warehouse Near Washington, D.C.

Phone is thought to be held with suspect

Possibility of three members of rouge spies joined in on effort to keep her hidden

Status of case: Open

No leads

Kim rolled her eyes. There was nothing here. Absolutely nothing. She could see that much, even in her half asleep state.

She and Ricky had gotten some sleep, but it was barely anything compared to how long they'd been awake. Then again, the two would stay up until the moment they found Jasmine. Until they knew for sure that she would be safe. They wouldn't sleep till then. But it still felt as though the two were living in three day increments.

First day, they would be awakened by the alarm after only a few hours of sleep, and be sent out to investigate a nearby warehouse. The team would bust inside only to find an abandoned warehouse, or one filled with notorious drug ring members playing card games and getting high. After the arrests were made, they would head back to the base for a debriefing on the situation.

Day two, they would live in the situation room. She and Ricky would scour the internet until they found something that may, possibly, take them to Jasmine, and hand it over to the experts. After looking it over, they would find out, it was anything except a potential lead. That day's work was practically down the toilet.

Day three, would hold about the same. The two would look, search, and wait until the next game plan was made. The only difference to this last day, was someone would finally force the two to leave the room to go shower and sleep. All this, only for the whole process to start once again.

It was rumored that the teens were scheduled to be awarded a medal for all their efforts. Not only in helping find Jasmine, but in busting half the drug dealers across the eastern United States. Kim couldn't remember a time when she was simply living like a regular teenager. When she felt like something good was going to happen. She could only feel and remember this. This time when they were stuck waiting and never knowing when something good would come their way.

"Kim." Ricky called quietly into the empty space. Kim had broken up the process in a way. She had taken her copy of Jasmine's file and had ventured outside. She needed some fresh air, and not the kind they got when they were raiding a warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. She glanced over to see him peaking through the glass door. Ricky watched as she lifted her head up and shifted her position on the ground, her arms laying on the bench as she kneeled down on the sidewalk. Her knees hit roughly against the pavement as she let out a sigh.

"Yeah." She mumbled tiredly as she flipped through the pages once again. She could feel herself slipping further and further into a sleeping state before Ricky sat down next to her and patted her back, bringing her eyes open once again.

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