Chapter 96 Moxley Meltdown

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"Lila it's me. Relax its me." Seth nearly shouted, grabbing my face, cheekbone swollen and purple already, "Come on."

He grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to my feet. Evolution, Kane and NAO were leaving the stage, all of them limping. I rested my head against Seth's shoulder, taking a breath before I remembered Dean. I knew Roman was alright as he was standing but Dean was slouched in the corner, face bloody and blank. I pushed away from Seth, stumbling to the cage and walking inside, sliding into the ring. Roman helped me up and I looked at him, seeing his eyebrow swelled up and he touched my arm gently. I shook my head as I made my way to Dean. Dropping to my knees in front of him he jerked his head towards me, eyes wild. His eye was already swelling and turning purple but besides the blank look on his face he seemed alright. Leaning my head on his knee I let out a breath, thankful we were all basically in one piece. I got to my feet and Dean followed. We faced the screaming crowd, as we walked out, Roman grabbing me and setting me down. We made our way gingerly over the barrier, heading up the stairs. It seemed to take so long as we made it down the halls where medical staff were waiting for us. Dean pushed them out of the way and I winced, shaking my head at them. I followed him to the locker room, seeing him shaking. We walked in and he sat down on the bench, head in his hands. Seth and Roman were gone to medical, leaving me to deal with Dean.

"Dean hey you need to get your head checked." I murmured, touching his shoulder.

He didn't say anything, his hands tapping the side of his head, foot bouncing. I had never seen him like this, only on the videos Nikki and John showed me. Touching his hand gently he stopped only slightly.

"Dean..." I began again.

Suddenly he was on his feet, and I jumped back, not out of fright but from being startled. He stalked towards me, and my back hit the lockers, a repeat of months before only without the hand on the throat, only on my waist. His eyes were wide and incredibly blue as he stared down at me, fury blazing in them.

"Who does he think he is, putting his hands on you?" he muttered, bringing his hand up, brushing my hair from my face, "I heard you scream Lila. I heard when he grabbed you and how you sounded. You don't know what that did to me. IN here." He tapped his temple with his other hand and my heart sped up, "I don't like when anyone touches you. I definitely don't like when anyone makes you scream."

My breath was coming in short gasps as he talked, head tilting side to side, eyes closing periodically. His chest was pressed against mine and I reached up a hand, pulling the hair from his sticky forehead. The gash had stopped bleeding but he snatched my hand gently away, pressing it at my side.

"I'm alright Dean. I promise." I ducked my head, trying to catch his gaze.

"I'm not!" he shouted, making me jump, "I am not okay with anyone laying their hands on you! Don't you get it?"

"Ok I understand." I murmured, pressing my cheek against his, "Just be calm."

I could feel him shudder against me, his heart racing. I had to calm him down before getting him to medical but I had no idea how. He still had my one hand in his, the other hand resting on his forearm which was holding me against the locker. I wasn't afraid, not like last time.

"I can't Lila. I keep seeing that maniac..." he growled, and I leaned back looking up at him.

"Ok forget about it for now. You need to focus on something else." I nodded, catching his gaze, "Find something to focus..."

I didn't get a chance to finish the sentence before his lips found mine. My eyelids fluttered shut and I tilted my head back automatically. I could taste the coppery tang of blood on his lips and he let go of my hand. Just like the last time he kissed me outside the ring I felt my mind shatter, every thought scattering to the four corners of the earth. I brought my hand up, sliding it to the back of his neck holding him in place. Instantly he pushed me against the locker, lips moving against mine slowly, savoring everything. I shivered and suddenly he let go and I gasped, lips tingling. My eyes opened and I saw him staring at me, eyes dilated, a pale ring of blue around the pupil.

"Are you ok now?" I managed to ask, eyes locked with his.

"Ya I think so." He nodded, sounding and looking more like himself.

"Ok let's get to medical. You really need to get that looked at Dean." I motioned to his forehead.

He nodded and I walked out in front of him, letting out a shaky breath. We walked down to the medical room heading inside. There were more doctors and we all managed to get in to see someone quickly. My arm was only sprained and I left in a sling once again. Dean had his head glued then was pronounced good to go. My pulse was still racing and I still had no idea how that happened. One minute I was trying to calm him down, the next he was kissing me till my whole body was tingling. Roman and Seth were outside and we waited for Dean to be finished.

"Is he ok?" Roman asked, folding his arms over his chest, looking down at me.

"Ya he's ok. It just took him a bit to calm down." I nodded, "Thanks for ditching by the way."

"You can calm him down ridiculously well. We thought it might have been better if you did it." Seth explained.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked, touching my arm.

"Sprained but I will survive. And you guys won which was a huge bonus and worth everything that happened to me tonight." I laughed, still giddy over the win and the kiss.

"Shield is still the most dominant force in history boys!" Dean exclaimed, walking into our conversation with a bandage over his head, "And woman."

"Yes we are, but for now I want a shower and Jackson." I sighed, resting gently against Roman.

They nodded and Dean's gaze flickered over me, stopping on the sling. I saw that light burn in his eyes again and I shook my head slightly, not wanting any more drama tonight. Instead I let the boys go and grab my bag, heading back to the bus by myself. Getting there my heart nearly stopped as I saw Jax waiting in the living room.

"There you are! Are you alright?" he asked, taking me gently by the elbow.

"Jax I have been asked that so many times tonight," I sighed, a tired smile on my face, "But yes I am ok. It's just a sprain. Look I'm gonna have a shower and then I have to go see a friend but I promised that we will talk and we will ok? I just need to shower and change."

He heard the desperation in my voice and he nodded, settling on the couch to wait for the boys. I grabbed some clothes from Roman's room and hit the showers. I knew the guys would shower in the locker room so I took my time, letting the hot water soothe my achy muscles. My whole body was still hyper aware of Dean and I leaned my head under the water, washing the memory away. Getting out I got dressed, knowing I would have to spend a little time with Jax before I left.


Trust Comes First (A WWE Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang