"I guess I'm still hung up on earlier" he sighed. "I don't know why it just bothered me that you answered so quickly that we were just friends"

"We are though aren't we?" I questioned without thinking first.

As soon as I said it I felt as though I shouldn't have. Something in Niall's reaction broke my heart there and then. His face dropped and his smile disappeared. I could see the small balls of water building up in his eyes threatening to fall. Niall fell silent so I scooted closer wrapping my arm over his shoulder as his legs dropped off my lap and onto the floor.

"Niall what's up? Was it something I said?" I asked confused by his reaction.

"I erm. I just. It's nothing. I think I just read things wrong. Its fine" he stuttered out

What is he going on about? Read what wrong? This kid can be so weird sometimes. I pulled him close to me and he wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me back. My body heated under his touch but there's no way I could do anything now. How confusing would that be? I say at the meeting that were just friends and then I try and kiss him or something. Yeah talk about mixed signals. I restrained myself from making a move and just kept my arm wrapped securely around him.

A while later I heard Niall's stomach rumble and took it upon myself to get up and make us both something to eat.

"Where are you going? I was comfy" he pouted from the couch as I stood in the doorway.

"I'm going to make us some food" I told him with a smile.

"I'll come with you"

Niall jumped up from his spot on the couch and followed me into the kitchen. I pulled out some random things from the fridge and started preparing us both a sandwich each. Niall grabbed some munch food from the cupboards and set them down on the counter too.

"Can't have sandwiches without munch" he smirked and I nodded in agreement.

I made us both Ham and Cheese sandwiches placing each on a plate as Niall added a couple chocolate bars each and some Pringles. Perfect lunch in my eyes, except it's not lunch it's more between lunch and dinner time.

We took our plates and returned back to the living room taking our seats we were in previously. Niall didn't put his legs on me this time though as we dug into our sandwiches savouring the amazing tastes.

"That was an amazing sandwich" Niall announced with his last mouthful of food.

"Ni that's disgusting, finish your food before you talk" I laughed at him.

"Sorry" he replied after finishing his mouthful.

We spent the majority of the evening just hanging out and watching TV like normal friends would, I could feel a slight tension in the air but couldn't quiet figure out what it was. Niall and I sorted out everything earlier when we spoke but something was still bothering me. Why was he so bothered about me saying we were just friends?

At about 7pm I told Niall I was going to wash up and get ready for bed. He agreed and headed for the guest bathroom while I used my own bathroom. After showering and brushing my teeth I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into my room. To my surprise Niall was already sat in my bed bare chested watching TV.

"You weren't lying when you said you wanted to sleep in my bed" I chuckled.

"Of course not, your beds so comfortable. I need to get me one" he answered

I laughed and left him watching TV as I made my way over to a chest of draws and pulled out a fresh pair of boxers. Normally I would sleep naked but sharing a bed with Niall I wouldn't be able to do that, I'm already worried I'm going to get over excited just laying next to him. After getting into my fresh underwear I hooked the towel over the door, switched off the light and climbed into bed next to Niall.

It's a double bed but with two grown men in it we were sat pretty close to one another. I tried not to press myself up against him but my body was screaming to feel his touch. I picked up the remote and flicked through some channels trying to find something to watch. Eventually decided on Comedy Central as there was always something funny on. Soon enough Niall and I were laughing our heads off and clutching our stomachs.

"This is too good" Niall breathed as he tried to catch his breath properly

"This guy's hilarious" I added.

Another joke later and I wasn't able to control myself from falling onto Niall's lap. My head rested on his legs as I clutched my stomach and tried again to catch my breath. I felt his hand reach down and push my hair out my eyes. Immediately our eyes locked and something sparked inside of me, something I hadn't yet felt before with Niall. Yes I have the butterflies and fuzzy head whenever I'm around him but this was something different.

Neither of us said anything. Niall simply brushed the stray hairs from my face as he looked deeply into my green eyes. I focused on the pools of blue in front of me trying ever so hard to figure out what exactly is going through his mind right now.

"Harry" he whispered.

"Yeah Ni" I replied in a hushed tone.

Something in his voice and the way he was looking at me right now had my heart beating at a thousand miles per hour. I felt my hands getting sweaty and my legs were trembling a little. I ma nervous yet I'm not sure why.

"I'm going to try something quick, please don't freak out. I need to do this"

Niall's hand moved from my fringe slowly down the side of my face. Cupping my cheek in his hand I felt the warmth radiate into my skin. His hand is soft but a little ruff. He gently runs a finger down the side of my cheek and lifts my chin up. I look up to find his face now closer to mine. So close I can feel his breath on my lips. Is he about to?

In a split second my thoughts crashed. Niall's lips were now on mine. He moved them slowly, almost as if he was worried id move away or freak out when in all honesty I have been waiting for this moment for years. I moved my lips against his, not putting too much pressure but just enough to keep him close. After about a minute of close mouthed kissing Niall let go of my face and moved back, a smile was clear on his face as it was mine.

"What was that for?" I asked breathless.

"I erm. I needed to see something. I'm sorry"

"Don't be" I smiled. "Did you figure out what you needed to?"


"And?" I asked

"I definitely would do it again" 

Awkward (Narry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें