"These look ok?" I asked holding up a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt.

"Yeah I guess so" Niall answered looking down at his own clothes.

He was wearing light denim jeans and a hooded jacket half covering as white shirt with writing on it. We'd kind of match in a way, which is a nice feeling for me.

"Then they'll have to do" I answered putting them on the bed and fetching a pair of boxers.

I quickly slipped into my boxers and pulled on some socks before removing my towel and making my way back over to put on the clothes I had laid out on the bed. I pulled on my shirt and jumped into my jeans while Niall eventually climbed out of my bed and left it looking a mess.

"I'm so staying over tonight" he announced as we walked downstairs.

"If you like" I smiled secretly loving his own idea.

When we got downstairs I slipped on my boots and grabbed my keys from the bowl next to the door. I put everything in my pockets that I needed and opened the front door. Niall exited first climbing into the driver's side of his car as I walked round and climbed into the passenger side. He drove us to the management building for our interview both of us still clueless as to what it was going to be about.

Once parked up we both headed inside after signing a few autographs for some stray fans waiting around trying to catch a glimpse of us or any of us boys. Being the kind guys we are we signed the autographs and took a couple pictures before heading inside and up to the front desk.

"Good morning boys" a polite receptionist greeted us.

"Morning, do you know who were seeing today?" Niall asked

"I'm sorry I don't, but if you go up to the 6th floor you'll be called in very quickly" she told us and went back to taking calls

I said a quick thank you from both of us as we made our way over to the lift and pressed the call button. It didn't take long to get down so we got inside pressing the 6th floor button. Niall and I joked around a bit in the lift but we could both tell the other was nervous about what was to come. Stepping out onto the 6th floor we took a seat in the waiting area ready to be called in.

"Mr Styles, Mr Horan you may come in" One of the less important people of management came out to tell us.

Taking a deep breath Niall and I both got up and made our way into the interview room. Well I guess this is it. Were about to find out what exactly we have done or haven't done. I don't even know any more!

"Hello boys how are you both today?" the same guy asked.

"Yeah ok" I answered for the both of us in a confused tone. "Why are we here?"

"Ahh yes that. Basically ever since your holiday there has been some uproar about a budding romance between the two of you. There were a couple of pictures leaked of you both looking rather cosy by the pool and a shot was also take of you both in bed in your hotel room" he explained and my mouth dropped open in shock. How would people get pictures like that?

"What do you mean getting cosy?" Niall asked as I was unable to speak at this point.

"There are pictures of you putting lotion or something on each other and another picture of your faces rather close like your kissing but could be talking" he explained.

The weird thing is he didn't seem at al mad by any of the things he was saying. When all the Larry drama came out they were furious but now they don't seem to care.

"Ok so why exactly have we been called into this meeting?" I asked trying to figure everything out in my head.

"We called you both here to simply ask you if you are in fact a couple or if this is just rumours? We have no problem with either you being together or if you are just friends we would just like to be the first to know"

"Were just friends" I answered sadly.

I didn't bother to look at Niall at this point; I know he would have answered the same. Obviously I would love to be more then friends with him but he doesn't like boys, heck he doesn't even know I like boys.

"Ok then. Now that's all cleared up you're free to leave for rehearsals"

He shook both our hands before exiting the room leaving Niall and I alone to think over what had just been said to us. I was shocked so I have no idea how Niall was feeling.

"Well that was random" I spoke up breaking the silence.

"Yeah it was. Anyway let's go rehearse"


"I'm quiet quick and 5, 6, 7, 8" Liam shouted as he messed around deliberately winding Niall and Zayn up who were trying to concentrate on getting there bits right.

"Liam stop we need to get this right" Zayn scolded him.

Meanwhile I had pulled Louis to the side to tell him about the meeting Niall and I had. He was shocked to say the least.

"They kicked off big time about Larry Stylinson, why are they so cool with Narry?" he asked

"I don't have a clue, but I told them we were just friends" I explained

"And what did Niall say?"

"He didn't say anything, the guy left and we came here" I told him and Louis' mouth formed and o.

We sat in silence for a moment. I was waiting for Louis to react someway. I don't know what I was expecting, anything but silence.

"Harry come help me they're not listening" Niall came running over grabbing my hand.

I didn't hesitate to keep a hold on his hand and let him lead me to where Liam and Zayn were mucking around. When we reached them I gave them both a stern look and told them we needed to get this done if we wanted to get home in the next hour. Thankfully they listened and joined Niall, Louis and I in our rehearsals to get ready for the tour.

It took us just over an hour to finish up everything we needed to do. Once we were done we all headed to the cars to be taken back home. Louis, Zayn and Liam were all getting dropped off at their own houses as they all had plans to meet up with their girlfriends later this evening.

"It's cool to stay at yours tonight right?" Niall asked

"Yeah course" I answered.

"Ok let's go. I can't wait to sleep in your bed" Niall smirked and I swear there was something else behind that smile. I'm not sure what it was but I couldn't help but feel happy about Niall and I sharing a bed tonight. 

Hey guys how are you liking the story so far? Good or bad? Cliche or original? Please leave me some comments below on how your feel :)

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