Chapter 43: No Name

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Ells' POV
"So, what's your name?" I asked our new robotic friend, as we headed off to wherever the destination of my so-called father is.

"Like I said, I'm your Binary Ch-"

"Not that. I mean, your real name. Like, err, Hunter, or Astrid. The name you go by." I said, explaining my point of view to him.

"Uhh... name?" He said confusingly, giving us a confused look.

"Yeah." I said. Does he not remember his name? How can somebody forget their name like that? Is that even possible?

BCC-14 looked down uncomfortably at his hands, fiddling around with them as he spoke.

"I, well, I don't exactly have one. BCC units don't get names, but only numbers, to identify who they are. BCCs don't have as many... abilities, as humans do." He said, his voice sounding a little upset.

Honestly, I felt a little bad for him. This robot doesn't have much of a name. It's like he is treated as a thing rather then a person. That would be horrible. I would hate to be treated like a thing...

"Well then, we'll just have to give you one!" Hunter said, smiling brightly.

"Really?! You would do that?!" BCC-14 said, his eyes glowing brightly, as if we just offered him the most grand opportunity in the whole entire world. Hunter nodded his head, causing BCC-14 to smile. Like, a real, genuine smile.

"I think it's a great idea! Anyways, saying BCC-14 is a huge mouthful!" Violet said.

"The question is... what will it be?" I said to the group, as we continued on our journey, our brains starting to think of names for this robot.

We need to find the perfect name for BCC-14. Something that sounds smart, and, yet, doesn't make him sound like a robot. I mean, yes, he is a robot, but, honestly, he didn't seem to like it much...

"How about Carl?" Dimitry suggested.

"Dimitry. We have a cool talking messenger robot, and you wanna name it Carl?" Violet said, dissing off his idea.

But, something about what she said made me cringe. She called BCC-14 an it. A thing. Not a person, but a thing. I didn't want to argue, so I kept thinking.

That's when it popped up in my head.

"I've got the perfect name!" I finally said, grinning from ear to ear.

"What? What is it?!" BCC-14 said, A little strike of hope and his voice.


"Simon?" The guardian said, sounding confused, yet shocked, over my answer. Violet was about to comment (probably denying it and saying that it sounded just as derpy as Carl), but, she was interrupted by BCC-14 flipping out in joy.

"Simon! I love it! It sounds so perfect! Thank you so much, Ells!" He said, giving me a huge, bear squeezing hug.

"N-No problem, Simon." I said, smiling brightly. Somehow, I had managed to stay alive and keep breathing before he let me go.

"I didn't think of Simon as a guy named Simon, but, if you're happy with it, then Simon it is!" Astrid said, as we all did a little mini celebration.

What better thing to do then name your Binary Chaos Companion Simon.

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