Years Passed (Shavonte Zellous)

Start from the beginning


You growled and grabbed your slightly smaller lover. Pulling her into your lap and kissed her. She whimpered before relaxing.


Shavonte pouted but relaxed as you rubbed her back. She let out a soft snore and you smirked. You knew she was tired. She shifted slightly before you kissed her forehead, calming her down. 


Shavonte awoke and saw she was covered with a blanket and you were gone. She slipped out of bed and padded down the hall. She heard your voice.

"Is she even your girlfriend?" 

"I wouldn't call it that..." 

She pressed herself against the wall and listened as you spoke to whoever.

"What did you do Lumiere?" 

"I may have kissed her several times and growled when some girl tried to talk to her." 

"So you claim her?" 

"What's your point Olivia?"

"You can't just kiss and grope her! That's sexual harassment." 

"I know that."

Olivia groaned.

"How about you just tell her how you feel? Don't give me that look!" 

"I don't talk about my feelings. Not after her." 

"But Shavonte is good for you! Am I saying her name right?" 


"She's good for you. You've been sleeping more and you're actually wearing osmething else besides jeans and a hoodie." 


"Oh, come on, you know you adore her and would probably skin anyone alive who hurts her." 

You mumbled before huffing.

"Whatever. She probably doesn't like me that way."

Olivia stared at you before throwing an orange at you.


"You deserved that." 

Shavonte decided to reveal herself. Yawning, she walked out into the open and made her way to you. She put herself in your lap and you chuckled as she nuzzled your chin. 

"You two are adorable." 

You glared at Olivia over Shavonte's head.

"Are you dating?" 

"Yes," Shavonte said and you smiled at her before flipping Olivia the bird.

Shavonte smiled as you kissed her cheek again before chatter filled the air.


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