Before I call out I hear Bofur "Where's Molly? Where's the girl?" looking up to see Ori "There!" 

"Ori please, help me!" 

Dwalin peers over  "Get her!"

 As the dwarves lean over I see Dwalin holding Dori's legs. I reach up to grab his hand but the rain water makes our hands slick. Our hands slip apart and I scream as I fall a little ways farther down but grab a branch sticking out of the mountainside. 

"Hold on Molly!" Bilbo shouts.

"B-bilbo..." I stutter as my arms grow weaker. A mix of hot tears and freezing rain streak my face as I try and will myself to hold on a little longer. The dwarves look at me with despair. The branch breaks halfway and I scream again as my legs dangle. 

"We have to get her!" Fili shouts. I look back up and see Thorin grab onto the side of the ledge and climb down to my level using two dwarves as a line. 

"Grab on!" he commands outstretching his arm. I reach out with my hand outstretched to his. Our fingertips only inches apart. 

For an instant my eyes shift down to the dark abyss below. Fear stricken I pull back holding onto the branch. 

"No, just look at me." Thorin coaxes in a calming voice but my eyes still stare into the abyss "Molly! Look at me!" he bellows and my eyes shift back up to his. 

He nods reassuringly "I've got you." 

I nod and slowly reach out once more to his extended hand. Right before I can grab his hand I hear the crack. I feel nothing but the air beneath me and the weight of the world as the branch gives way.  


His eyes widen and I feel myself fall into the air. I scream reaching my hand up and feel Thorin's hands grab mine in the nick of time. Thorin's hand grips my arm tightly as mine does his. I reach my other hand up and cling to him as he lifts me. 

"Hold onto me." he mutters breathlessly in my ear as my arms wrap around his torso. The dwarves work together and lift us up back onto the rock in the matter of seconds. 

The Dwarves cheer but the only thing I can feel is the terror of almost falling to my death. 

Dwalin sighs"I thought we'd lost ye lass." 

The Dwarves however go quiet as I'm pulled completely up and see my shaking and fear-stricken face. Fili, Bilbo, Kili, and Oin rush over as I sit on the rock shaking. 

"It's alright Molly." Fili soothes rubbing my back as he holds onto me.

 "We didn't lose you..." Bilbo says. 

Thorin stands in aggravation "She's been lost ever since she left home. You both have! She should never have come here or to this world. She has no place amongst us.... Dwalin!" 

Kili shoots Thorin a glare and glances back to me. He turns  following Dwalin and Thorin into the cave following the others. As I shake and hear his words I close my eyes as silent tears of fear and hurt go down my cheek. And in my head his cold words replay over and over again. I deserve every bit of it. Had Thorin not obtained the strength he did we would both be laying at the bottom of this rocky valley, dead. 

The cave nearby was completely dry and for the most part spacious.  As the dwarves search through it I follow inside behind Bilbo and Fili. I glance over to see Balin talking to Thorin "We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." 

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