Blunt the Knives

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*Molly's POV*

As I had slept it seemed as if I had seen a man with a long grey beard. He wore grey clothes and had a large wooden staff. When I woke up he was gone and I was still in the same Hobbit Hole I found myself in last night. ",no,no." I breathe bringing my legs to my chest. I bury my face down and cry. I'm confused, scared, and thought I could feel myself slipping into insanity. I want to go home. I want to see my family and to put this all behind me. This is real and it is completely insane and yet wonderful. After bawling my eyes out I begin calming myself, and that's when I hear two voices. One of Bilbo's and the other unfamiliar. I wipe my eyes and slowly stand walking towards the door. I hear the unfamiliar voice speak "I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure." Quickly I run to the window and lookout. A tall older man with the same grey beard and blue eyes stands there in that grey tall hat with a staff. Bilbo holds a pipe sitting on his bench and shakes his head pointing it at the man "An adventure? Now, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner, hm, mm."

I open the door and step outside just as Bilbo opens his mailbox and mumbles to himself. The man sees me and seems quite surprised but smiles "Ah, Bilbo, I did not know that humans were in your company." Bilbo glances at me then back to his mail "Yes, quite a surprise for me as well." 

I smile "Hi." 

The man smiles gripping his wooden staff and nods "Hello young lady. I am Gandalf, a-" his voice trails off and shakes his head "An old friend of sorts." 

I smile "Nice to meet you. I'm Molly, and er, it seems like you are dressed as a wizard." 

He nods "As I am madam." 

My eyes widen full of unbelief but the more I thought of how my being here the more I believed it. Bilbo then turns "Gandalf...not Gandalf, the wandering Wizard, who made such excellent fireworks! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Ha, ha!" 

Gandalf smirks and nods to the Hobbit who takes another puff of his pipe "Well. Hmm, I had no idea you were still in business." The wizard narrows his eyes "And where else should I be?" The Hobbit tugs at his collar uncomfortably and clears his throat just before holding the pipe to his lips "Good morning." 

He replies sheepishly and begins heading up the steps towards me. He grips my arm and mumbles for me to come inside, but then Gandalf speaks now closer to us "Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me, even if it's only my fireworks. Well, that's decided. It will be very good for you, and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others." Bilbo freezes and I turn to the wizard "What adventure were you talking about if it's okay to ask?" 

Bilbo then turns to shake his head and points his pipe at the Wizard "Inform the who? What? No. No. No! Wait. We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today, not­-mm. I suggest you try over the Hill or across The Water. Good morning." he says hurrying me inside. "Wait! I just want to-" Just as I was in the door he closes and locks it twice. 

"What's wrong?" I ask more agitated than worried. "Why are we hiding from him?" 

Bilbo holds his hand up and we hear a hissing noise just behind the door. It lasts a moment until it was gone along with the wizard. 

"Bilbo, I could have asked for his help. Why did you send him away?!"

The Hobbit wrings his hands nervously "Trust me, Elena. We would have nothing but trouble from a wandering wizard."

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