Chapter Thirty-Seven|We're So Starving

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"Evan, I miss, Dan," Phil mumbled.

Evan sighed, "Oddly enough, me too."

"Do you not like the new doctor, or something? I think he's really cool, I just miss having Dan around me all the time," Phil explains.

"Well, yeah, I like him too," Evan says, "I was just used to Dan, I guess. And sometimes the new doctor gets annoying because he won't stop playing the drums with his pens."

Phil laughs, "Dude, what if he was a drummer, or some shit and you just got, like, a free concert everytime he did that?"

Evan shakes his head and grins, "Well then, he is the best pen tapper in the entire world, and I would like more free concertos, please. Do you think when he signs off prescriptions people just save it as an autograph?"

Phil giggles, "Do you think he's in band? What would his band be called?"

Evan looks up in thought, "Prescription Pen Tappers, or Fall Out Doc, or My Chemical Related Job, or Mayday Pen-rade, or Pen! At the Disco, or Pen Floyd, or Green Doc, or The Needles, or All Pen Low, or RadioPen, or Twenty-One Pen-lots."

Phil's laughing so hard his sides hurt, "Wait, who are the members in that last one you mentioned? Like, the real band that it's based off of?"

Evan just stares at him blankly, barely moving, "Paradox," he whispers.

"What?" Phil asked confused.

"What?" Evan replies.

"What did you just say?" Phil asks.

"You mean all the pen and Doctor puns?" Evan asks.

"No, after that."


Phil rolls his yes and shakes his head, "This is annoying, let's just forget it."

Evan smiles, "And forget it we shall."

Just then Greta walks in nervously, her face contorting from gentle and neutral, to worried.

"Um, Evan, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation with Phil, but you have a visitor."

Evan tilts his head, "I don't have visitors, Greta. I think you may have gotten the wrong guy."

Greta shakes her head, "No, this one is for you...and he has a couple friends."

Evan stares at her, "W-who?"

Greta sighs, "I think you should see them for yourself."

Evan turns to Phil with this look in his eyes that makes Phil's heart curl into a ball. Fear. He is stricken with fear.

"Hey, can I go with him?" Phil asks.

Greta nods, "Yes, but you're not allowed to interrupt his visit unless given permission by the visitor."

Phil nods, and looks back to Evan who is shaking, so Phil grabs his hand like he used to when he was feeling scared. Evan smiles a bit, and Phil squeezes his hand reassuredly.

"Okay, let's go," Phil says, pulling Evan up with him by his hand, and towards the door. Evan never really held Phil's hand to help himself, but now he was squeezing it, as if holding onto Phil was the last grip he had on his sanity.

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