Chapter Twenty-Seven|Crazy=Genius

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"I missed you."

The words feel so full in such an empty room. Dan can barely let himself speak. He was trying so hard to be routine. To be another lab coat among the medical care facility, but he couldn't.

It was so like Phil to get you to break character. Like a person waving in the audience of your performance. Dan sure did feel like he was putting on a show. His mouth was dry as he tried to find a reply.

"Do you not miss me too?" Phil asked.

Dan couldn't tell if it was taunting, or genuinely sad. Phil was always hiding who he was at times because he was everyone at once, and he liked to keep you guessing.

"I would think after talking to you for so long I would know who you were," Dan says, "But to me you're a new chapter of a mystery book."

Phil smiled, "Which me do you like best, Daniel?"

"The you that doesn't make my life so goddamn hard."

"Funny, I thought you loved every me. Didn't you tell me that the other day, or am I just crazy?"

Dan sighed, "It was you that told me to stay away. You said that I was making your life difficult! I'm only doing what you want."

Phil raised his voice, "But it isn't what I want! I want you! I did it because I couldn't stop thinking about how we were illegal. Our relationship could be so easily destroyed."

Dan sighed, "I don't understand. You keep changing your mind, and I can't keep up."

"No one actually understands me! I can't fucking make a decision without wanting to change it. I'll never not have regrets. I'll never be okay because my brain is so indecisive that I'm considered unstable! I don't know what I want because I have a mind that craves attention, and is always lost in what to feel! Everyone always acts like it's something I can help!"

"I know, Phil. I'm sorry. I know your life is hard," Dan soothes ignoring his yelling, "I know that to you, this world is just a giant fuck up and doesn't make any sense, but Phil you're perfect."

Phil looks up at him with sad eyes, "Crazy people aren't perfect."

"You keep saying that because you're not the same as everyone else that you'll always be less than them, but that's not true. 'Crazy people' simply have more creative and advanced brains that no one really understands. They work in odd ways. It's not barbaric, it's different. To me, you are every bit as perfect as the stars."

"You know, sometimes," Phil whispers, "I feel even further away from you than the stars."

Dan looks down, "Please, don't Phil."

Phil moves closer to Dan, so that he'll be able to know the truth to the question he's about to ask. Dan hesitates, only centimeters from him.

"Dan, can I ask you something?" Phil mumbles as his eyes travel down to his lips for a second.

Dan gulps as he sees this, and nods a bit. His brown eyes glisten with worry at the anticipation of there being a million different ways Phil could continue.

"Do you really love me?"

Are you kidding me? Dan wants to say no. He wants to tell him he's just been caught up in the moment lately, and that he only cares for Phil as a friend, but he can't because it'd be a lie. He wants to take Phil out on a date, and wake up to his bright eyes. He wants Phil to be his someday.

Now, seems too soon. Love seems too soon, even though it had been growing between them from the minute they met.

Nothing stops Dan from kissing Phil sweetly, taking his jet black hair in his hands, and running his fingers through it; holding on tight as the kiss deepened.

It was like heaven when they kissed. An everlasting freedom of the chains binding them to reality, and there was always a buzzing spark effect when they pulled away.

Dan's breath was heavy as he put his forehead against Phil's, not opening his eyes as a tear fell, seeming to be a quiet release of all his buried emotions. He felt like he was flying the way his stomach was churning, and the 'light as air' feeling in his chest increased.

"Yes, I love you," Dan muttered as he pressed another kiss to Phil's lips, "I love you like I love anime, and chocolate strawberries. It may be a new love that I feel, but it's a pure one."

Phil couldn't answer. His heart was racing, and he bit his lip as tears started to fall down his face as well. Somebody loves me.

He pulled Dan closer to him still not being able to form words on his own. I love you.

As they stood in that office with the world wrapping around itself like a blanket, Phil kissed Dan again, long and passionate, liking the feeling more than anything.

He wasn't speaking, but Dan could almost feel that he trying to say 'I love you' back without the words.

So, so much.

Only a couple feet away, through the tiny windows next to Dan's office door stood a lady with a now pale face, and wide eyes as she gripped tightly onto her papers with her bony fingers; frozen in shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, her mouth agape and body still.

Nurse Linda Oswald, the God fearing, chicken noodle soup enthusiast, rule follower, was terribly surprised to see just how much the two legally bonded boys actually loved each other.

Well, now, illegally.


AN: I miss Pj

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